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PKMShack says...

Those children are Bahamians if they are born here, are the Bahamian's born in the U.S. Bahamian's or Americans? How many Bahamian's go right to Miami and have their children turn around and come back, (btw don't pay the bill) return to our Bahamas and raise their children. Later in life they then want all the rights of American's who was born and raised in the U.S. How many Bahamians in the u.s. illegally and still hiding and running from U.S. immigration having children btw and in the same position. They might not go there by boat but over stay and end up in the same illegal status. We have a problem here but sending kids to a country they never went to is the wrong answer. Now that the U.S is changing their policy aka anchor babies just know our time is coming to be treated the same way, what will we say then.

PKMShack says...

use some of that carnival money to help fix the country instead of wasting that dancing in the street

PKMShack says...

Don't pay TAL no never mind, he is just as dumb and stupid as this government.

On Bahamas holds off on Ebola travel ban

Posted 18 October 2014, 5:17 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

Junkanoo can evolve, the same money and promotion that is being pushed to carnival, is the same that can be pushed for Junkanoo. You have to ask the masterminds behind this carnival movement why they chose to use carnival instead of Junkanoo. They apparently like people tings better than their own

PKMShack says...

MONEY and most do not have or not willing to pay him to do his job!

On Disagreeing with PM's detractors

Posted 13 October 2014, 1:17 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

@ observer if you believe that, Junkanoo will be in space first. Look over the years that the PLP has been in power, where are the results of anything they have done? And you say give them more time, more time to do what? They investing in Carnival, what do they forecast the return to be? Nothing close to what they are spending. You just as lost as they are. More time no thank you. More time results in more of the same. Spend and steal

On Bran: Corruption costs Bahamians $200m a year

Posted 13 October 2014, 12:56 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

Good job, keep it up. Just know what is coming, Call Election and find out. Where TAL and Birdie DUMB behinds at to clear this up, oh they on the FNM news page. They got what they voted for,

PKMShack says...

they don't need a convention to win, let the plp keep doing what they doing

PKMShack says...

lets take the money from this show and put it to great use, B E C engines, plates, traffic lights junkanoo or nothing

PKMShack says...

Don't worry we the voters will make you leave soon enough!

On Hamilton: 'Don't like the PLP? Leave!'

Posted 8 October 2014, 3:09 p.m. Suggest removal