Comment history

PKMShack says...

Call election they got what they voted for, lies and more lies hope you all learn from this, this time

PKMShack says...

@ tarzan BTC has not changed since Batelco so there is no difference, was worst under batelco we just now have the other man to blame. lol The name changed the workers did not. PGC maybe the government should sell those 2% shares to the bahamain public like HAI was planning to do. Let me choose to help myself and gain some financial freedom

PKMShack says...

Miller making them mad, like a child when they can't get their way. Keep doing what it takes to lower my bill, dem workers and the union have been killing me for far too long

PKMShack says...

@john you think cell service is worst, wow. Same tech's just less tech's are on staff. When was the last time a non Bahamian tech showed up to fix a problem. You know how long the world has been on 3g and 4g and we just got there. You can't be serious about cell service. Which country still uses and sell phone cards on the side of the road for local phone use. We backwards but getting there and until that company was sold it would have stayed 10th world. You want to see improvements of service sell all gov. ran businesses.

On Minnis: PM has failed the nation over crime

Posted 28 August 2014, 12:19 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

We need new leadership in these ranks as well

PKMShack says...

Where is the noise in the market on this one. Oh we not a Christian nation now. Where are the leaders, the church? Against gambling, but this is ok? Do that in your house do not promote it.

On Resort to host gay pride event

Posted 28 August 2014, 11:54 a.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

blah blah they don't get tired, who is the best of the 2 evils one must decide. My nation up in flames and the choices are very thin. Maybe since they can't let's makes guns legal. Have choices and maybe that's one of them. The gangsters have them for sure and maybe Joe-public should have the choice to choose to have one also.

On Minnis: PM has failed the nation over crime

Posted 27 August 2014, 2:10 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

news flash birdie is PGC on the blog, only he himself believes this mess is working to plan,.

PKMShack says...

@proud if he jumps out now, he will be voted out because color means more to voters than brains, let him stay and tell joe public what has been going on behind close doors. without him this dirt and mistrust would still be tight lipped

On Rollins 'has no plans to leave PLP'

Posted 26 August 2014, 3:20 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

@ SP bad thing is the majority of our fellow Bahamian's still vote Party. Thus we are where we are 41 years from now, we need the voters to change first.

On Rollins 'has no plans to leave PLP'

Posted 26 August 2014, 1:47 p.m. Suggest removal