Comment history

PKMShack says...

Delayed again. late again. Not a surprise, this the PLP

On Constitutional referendum vote delayed

Posted 26 August 2014, 1:43 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

You out of a job ma boy, too many votes to throw away at the expense of you doing the right thing

PKMShack says...

Here is an idea PM, use one of those ideas (plan A,,B,C,D, Etc.) to crime you said you had during election, surely you had more than one solution! You know the back up plan in case plan A did not work. But then again the PLP voters got what they voted for. Don't complain now. ................... Thus far most should not be surprised of there results so far

PKMShack says...

@birdie you laughable with your support, do you not believe what Rollins had to say about the plp?

PKMShack says...

People are sick and tired of this mess these leaders do at the cost of others, glad people are exposing the truth, maybe the government will defend this but like everything else they won't. And the born PLP's see nothing wrong with this. Soon this breed will be gone and the new generation will have to correct 41 yrs of corruption

On BIS 'up in arms' over appointees

Posted 25 August 2014, 12:08 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

@ birdie I am with you, Who has done more for the country PLP or FNM. you did list the short comings of the FNM. now let me help you with the short comings of the PLP that I know about. Where are the 10,000 jobs, murder is still going up, mortgage relief, number houses still open, DPM being robbed or what ever he was, carnival instead of Junkanoo, NIB, BEC cash payments by you know who, I will stop

When did this type stuff happen under FNM? Now to cuss you. You was born PLP and you will go on as a PLP even If the country suffers,

Thanks you big dummy!

On 'Why was PM not there for crucial vote?'

Posted 25 August 2014, 11:33 a.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

@ tal still the reds fault huh? Jjust like Obama blaming bush, let the show play out without putting the opposition into this mess, unless you have proof that the reds are putting these young men up to it. Like I say to anyone put up or shut up

On PM hits back at backbenchers

Posted 21 August 2014, 1:03 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

He is not the first nor the last to jump ship in our country, but he will more than likely end up like the rest. LOP system working now just like then. he will also fall to victimization

On Rollins resigns as Party Whip

Posted 19 August 2014, 11:33 a.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

My daughter should have the same rights as my son under the law, says the Father.

On FNM deputy to vote yes

Posted 15 August 2014, 3:16 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

Why would a woman not want the same rights as a man in 2014, should our daughters not have the same rights as our sons under the law? Our Bahamas soon we will get with it.

On Minnis U-turn on gender equality Bills

Posted 14 August 2014, 12:52 p.m. Suggest removal