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PKMShack says...

Are we still under the days of LOP only time will tell. Good job from his words he has more truth than all of the MP's who attended. Let's go Bahamas

On Anthony Newbold's words prick consciences

Posted 14 August 2014, 12:46 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

these guys, where you concerned when the bill boards where posted around the city when election was going on? WOW you all are not serious. Call election

PKMShack says...

@ Pat 242 the folks who voted in the last referendum vote did not mean nothing, hence the comments you are reading, why would we think they would honor the power of the vote when they did not before. You must be new to this conversation about the PLP and the Referendum

PKMShack says...

@ birdie Egypt got rid of status quo
Answers to VAT
1. Park those government cars=reduce government gas bill
2. Privatized all government ran offices, bec,bahamasair,water works
3. Cut out these new minister's just created
4. Collect property taxes
5. Stealing at customs
6. Cancel Carnival cost too much and the return is too little
7. Enforce traffic laws
8. Stop wasteful spending. Gov. sponsored books about nothing
9. Enforce National Ins Payments and prosecute the non compliance
10. Sell those BTC Shares to the public so we can empower our own pockets like they have been doing over the Years.
I'm sure if I really think I could come up with more than just those 10 on the list. All of them if ran correctly brings in taxes for the peoples bank account.
Don't take a master mind to fix.

On 'Gut-wrenching' VAT on BEC bills

Posted 25 July 2014, 5:11 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

@birdie you can not be serious trying to compare the two parties. Get your head out of the birds butt. Pointing fingers is an art of both parties but more so the yellow one. This is our Bahamas not the Bahamas of any party, support the Bahamas or suffer a lost at the polls. I am neither a plp/fnm/dna i vote what is best for me and my household. Let's go Bahamas we all know it's bad. Like the PLP said I to am ready to turn Bay Street into EYGPT. But hey we take anything and this the masses will take too.

On 'Gut-wrenching' VAT on BEC bills

Posted 25 July 2014, 3:03 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

@birdiestrachan sales tax in the USA has been at 7% for many years. One or two states pay more some pay less, and some pay 0% sales tax,. What the hell are you talking about? Just like the PLP will not take back BTC, that to will remain in place. So what are you talking about? Is VAT a sales tax? NO it is NOT, if it was it would be applied to everyone item sold.

On VAT is added to BEC bills

Posted 24 July 2014, 5:52 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

Vote for what? Fu_k you. Keep your referendum. I WILL vote at election time to vote you and your fools out.

PKMShack says...

Yinna get what you voted for. Die hard PLP and DNA thanks again. Who get swing? Asx Holes. And TAL if you make one dumb ass post about HAI he sure did not screw us like this. But hey we rushing this weekend so who cares. Da PLP who scared Now.

On VAT is added to BEC bills

Posted 24 July 2014, 12:18 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

You know how many Bahamains are in the U.S. Military and how many returned home to serve the Bahamas but to be told they are not qualified.

PKMShack says...

@jackbnimble @mangogirl If a Bahamain goes to the U.S. and have a child we say the child is American. If a Bahaman goes to the U.S. illegalyl then that illegal Bahamain face being deported if caught. He did not say if a Haitian comes illegally give them citizenship only to the ones who are born here. Why do we want our Children born in the U.S. given all their rights but Haitians born here given none. Good for us as Bahamains then why we think it's not good for Haitians. If ya born der you from there.