Comment history

PKMShack says...

The folks who voted these folks in have no right to complain. You get what you voted for. Thanks Again for nothing. Voters keep up the good job. Miss HAI yet?

On MPs seek more pay and new Parliament

Posted 15 May 2014, 12:45 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

So TAL this is where you hiding, while your PM making a fool of himself. Comrade you is one true color fool. Bad thing is you think you making sense. with your comments you must be the PM himself...also can you translate the PM statements? it all equals failure. Tal help ya boy out and go post so more comedy to his statements. lol Also don't forget to blame your favorite person HAI for PGC answering the way he did. Thanks TAL aka PGC.

PKMShack says...

They get what they voted for, a worthless government with the same old folks up to the same old tricks, thanks to the dedicated color voters, next time us your brain and not your t-shirt, tv, 100.00, stove, kalik, loud music, etc

On 'Political motive' in axing contract

Posted 1 May 2014, 2:41 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

Name 3 things this government has done since coming to power that helped this country to move forward? I will wait to see an answer to this trivia question!!!!!!!

PKMShack says...

If we the people don't demand more of our Government then shame on us, we need to stop pointing fingers and start protesting their actions. We only talk and they keep insulting our minds and we take it, over and over. There getting richer and the masses follow their foolishness with dedication to colors. Police RAID home on behalf of BOB but can't run in web shops on behalf of the Bahamain voter. laughable

PKMShack says...

TAL you are one of the reasons the PLP can stay the PLP. Ask one question and you run on with a bunch of nothng. How about you just go grind HAI since you love him so much. What the PLP can do is open their own phone company and give CWC some competiton. Then they can do what they please with their company, in the main time SELL the 9% shares to the public and empower the Bahamain people with ownership. I bet they the PLP own lot's of businesses and empower their families for the future. TAL be a bahamain with sense instead of a fool running behind a color of a shirt. You a--


Posted 24 June 2013, 4:42 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

You get what you vote for. Take the gold out of the city is what this plp is doing


Posted 24 June 2013, 11:20 a.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

Every action or non action gets a reaction. You shoulda,coulda,woulda told on your friends not to go thru with the foolishness and you would not be in this mess.......Tell your peers not to do it, tell the school, tell your parents (who are now complaining) but no, now they complain that I did not do anything so why punish me,,,it's not fair.....correct you did not sound the alarm either. Most in the Bahamas don't ever want to make persons pay the price for what they did or did not do. Every step of they way we try and find a way to make an excuse not to pay the piper, Next year the graduatin class of SJC won't have to worry about topping this years class with a prank, Bet you they will think before they act........Be accountable is something needed in every class of Bahamains..........but oh We don't need that.....let's keep living in slackness

On Parents to sue over cancelled graduation

Posted 21 June 2013, 8:38 a.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

Did the good students warn the school that a prank was going to happen, oh yeah they did not know, hear about, talk about what was planned to anyone. Go off to school or get a job and welcome to the rest of your life. Bahamains like foolishness to much, Deal with it, about time someone took a stand in this country.

On Parents to sue over cancelled graduation

Posted 20 June 2013, 11:27 a.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

@ concern Oh yeah they still open, as if we really thought they would close them down, these crooks will talk until next election

On Minister wants an end to cash for gold

Posted 20 June 2013, 11:23 a.m. Suggest removal