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PKMShack says...

Tal russell once again nothing about the topic, ready to govern is what the PLP came to the table with, truth is they havent started nothing they talked about. I pledge to no party I just call it like I understand it. If you can show me different other than the HAI blame game to why no action to the pledges they talked about then and only then I will have some sort of respect to your comments but until then HOT AIR.

On Minnis attacks urban renewal

Posted 26 June 2012, 4:10 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

Home owners should buy what they can afford, Banks should lend on what a person can repay, Blame can go both ways. But why should banks not collect on an agreement made between them and others. The bank held up their part, the home did not holdup their part. At the end of the day the govenment can't bail out the home criss, they sould have not ever said it, and people should have not believed it. Government can't repay their loan to the world bank and they want to get involved in local bank business.

On No change in mortgage delinquency

Posted 26 June 2012, 4:01 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

@Concerned I am with you, there is no benefit to Government having anything to do with CWC. BEC and Bahamasair should be sold next.

On Is this meeting just one big charade?

Posted 26 June 2012, 6:32 a.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

@ Concerned The twist Talrussell is taking about is the facts. Like most PLP supporters facts are not what they want to hear. Maybe Talrussell can say what promises have come to light in the first 50 days of this new government.........................ok..........................I will wait......Empty barrell makes the most noise Talrussell.

On Minnis attacks urban renewal

Posted 26 June 2012, 6:20 a.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

@ 242 Tal Russell is in love with HAI that is why every comment ends up @ the feet of HAI. When CWC becomes Blue Water then the deal will make sense because it will be partly owned buy members of the PLP. Looking out for themselves and not the country.

On Maynard hits out at BTC takeover plan

Posted 21 June 2012, 5:28 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

Had the same experience with the RBPF.

On Businesses asked to help fight crime

Posted 19 June 2012, 4:52 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

one a s s tal russel

On FNM names shadow cabinet

Posted 18 June 2012, 8:03 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

Thank you to the FNM for starting to build a world clas airport.

PKMShack says...

Positiveinput, you are totally correct there will be a gain to CWC and the cost will be sent to the customer as in any business. If there was no gain to any company then the business should close i.e. Bahamasair. The package deal or contract sold by a cell phone company is best for the company because it holds the customer to an agreement. I think we are discussing two different topics. I only say the sale is best for the everyday Bahamain becasue they have/are upgrading a system givng us options we would of never had. (mainly 4 G technology), I think you are saying they are/will take away certain options that are there now. I do agree with you. The customer just has to figure out what is best for them and what they can afford. All we need is about 2 -3 companies to choose from and most of us will find a plan that suits us and enjoy the enhancements also. My friend we can agree to disagree, the heathly debate only makes our One Bahamas Better. (Our members in Government could learn a thing or two from

On Network upgrade to include free texts

Posted 16 June 2012, 7:24 a.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

At the end of the day CWC is and will be better maintained and operated than in the hands of the PLP/FNM = better for the everday Bahamain. If it so important and can a better run business let the Govenrment open up another Batelco. And you and me know that as overstaffed and over price Batelco was they won't be able to compete. So once again if you want to be part of the advanced mobile society you have to make changes, either in product or in ownership. My friend you can pay bills sliding a credit card using a cellphone, will we ever see that if Gov. keeps ownership. All I can tell you in your case my friend is cut back on your cellphones or keep doing what you doing.

On Network upgrade to include free texts

Posted 15 June 2012, 12:44 a.m. Suggest removal