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PKMShack says...

This is the kind of mind we need to look at the issues. A forward thinking brain who is not uttering noise for the market. Maybe Perry need to remove some of his noise makers and put some thinkers in place.

PKMShack says...

It's time to put Bahamasair on the market, Not a penny in profit, ever. WHO holds onto a business just to say I have a business, The Bahamain Government is WHO. Send it on it's way to the private sector and see how fast it improves.

PKMShack says...

@positiveinput-One has to figure how many phone cards are bought per month and find out if a paid plan is better. In my usage I pay less with a plan vs buying phone cards every few days. I still believe that if Gov,. still owned BTC we would still be in the stone age. We are at the bottom among island nations (even behind Haiti) in technology and Bahamains think all is well. Hopefully with the upgrades we can finally have access to online banking. I hope the CWC tells any Gov. plp or fnm that they have no plans on selling. What Gov. can do is piggy back the system and open another phone company and compete for costumers, competition certainly will drop prices. But our Gov. believes in one company and no competition which means WE as customers have to pay whatever they charge. I just think NO Government has ever run a successful business.

On Network upgrade to include free texts

Posted 14 June 2012, 5:45 a.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

Sound good my brother Shane but what you calling for has been the process since 2002. What new are you talking about? More hot air as usual. I sure would like him to name a company that is not doing what he is speaking of. Hot air.

PKMShack says...

@positiveinput- Lets see now; my phone, my wife's phone along with my two kids phone using post paid would be cent from eighty dollars a month. However you think thats a good move wth no pay raise but making you feel you're getting better service you're now a slave to another monthly bill.
CWC is only upgrading the system that Government did not. They do not ask or make anyone purchase cellphones. My thought of it as being a good sale away from Government is the service they provide not that Bahamains are being a slave to another bill, Bahamains have to look at their pay checks and weigh how much they want to give away and how much they want to save. Two different subjects. Like my mother always told me ,,,You can't have money and moneys worth. You have to choose which one you want to have.

On Network upgrade to include free texts

Posted 13 June 2012, 8:44 a.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

Another example why the sale of BTC was a good idea. When did Batelco ever drop prices? Bahamasair should be next.

On Network upgrade to include free texts

Posted 12 June 2012, 3:57 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

Well after the Govenment is sued they will FIRE his dumb a s s. After the first attack the dogs should have been removed. I sometimes wonder if our Gov. Officals are just made up of pure dummies. How hard can it be to catch or even shoot and kill these 4 legged thugs? If the are privately owned the owners just lost there pets. You can't control them we will control them for you. End of story.

On Another tourist is attacked by dogs

Posted 11 June 2012, 8:35 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

This comment was removed by the site staff for violation of the usage agreement.

On Search for truth over death in cell

Posted 11 June 2012, 10:32 a.m.

PKMShack says...

I agree it is criminal, but in the Bahamas he won't get chraged and face the music. I wonder if anyone in Government will press the issue and he be sent in the court room to defend himself. Our Government complain about crime and it appears in this story that he has added to the criminal element. plp/fnm/dna clean your closet. We need to take the example of some of these other countries when they are fed up with folks in Goverment. Protest and demand more.

PKMShack says...

Their supporters getting what they voted for. Me and Mine need protection and now I have the the power I getting what for me and Soulja you on your own,,,but thanks anyway for your support. I will get you later but this time for me and my party. Dont forget We going all the WAY.