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PKMShack says...

Thus Far Worthless PLP all the way huh- they think they doing a good job tho....laughable

PKMShack says...

Tal Russel CANT see common sense if it slap the s h i t out of him. Sad

On Row over security

Posted 8 June 2012, 8:13 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

Sounds like a crime plan to me. The 48 % getting what they voting for. nothing Thats Leadership you can depend on. Arm themseleves, raise their own pay, and keep the water muddy so the 48% do not notice they have been hood winked with promises that cant' seem to surface. Good ole PLP doing what they do.....Nothing......can you say you are really surprised?

On 'Using RBDF a mistake'

Posted 8 June 2012, 8:05 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

With the improvements hitting 70 million the PLP Govenment now must realize that the country can't buy CWC more less improve on what CWC did for every Bahamain with a cellphone and internet.

On BTC's NGN network spend may hit $70m

Posted 7 June 2012, 9:25 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

Its not what you know its what you can prove. Everyday a new member says what the other says. I have evidence. What thinking Bahamains have is the evidence that this PLP thus far has no substance of Governing the bahamas. Get on with the job or RESIGN and carry your donkeys else where.

PKMShack says...

Another reason why the sale of BTC was good for Bahamains. Sad part is it took out side involvement to make progress in something that is so baisc compared to other countires. .......The country need to have a discussion on why we can not move forward on our own. More proof that The Bahamas is not only for Bahamains. We don't like them but we won't progress without them foreigneers. Maybe the last sentence of the story says it all.

On BTC's NGN network spend may hit $70m

Posted 7 June 2012, 2:06 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

More of nothing to distract their followers from taking on the promises they stated to their voters. Bad part is most of their supporters won't hold them to a higher standard. Do they think the bags of nothing will replace their agenda and the promises made. Once again the classic PLP, Talking about everything other than what need to be discussed. I am sure tal russel will see this report as big news...........Get to the country's business.

PKMShack says...

@ mynameis, I agree with you, should not say never.

On Pride in Ingraham

Posted 6 June 2012, 6:15 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

I wonder if Keith Bell have an answer of facts for the Dr. Minnis or will he have a tal russel answer. Well said, a reply listed with facts raather than with hot air. Go Dr Minnis represent yourself and the Country.

On FNM fires back over slush fund claims

Posted 6 June 2012, 6:01 p.m. Suggest removal

PKMShack says...

From LOP days Bahamaians have been buying numbers. Gambling have and will be here to stay, No Government since 1973 has the courage to attempt to close them down and keep them closed. TAL your last few sentences, are you serious, "Do we really want to ecouarge our young people to enter the numbers racket for employment" they have been doing that since 1973. fnm and plp will always blame the other when the other party is at the helm. Bannister should be asking why did the FNM not shut down the business prior to May 7.