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Philosopher_King says...

I am appalled at all of you who think some how with out some kind of government assistance our troubled mortgage industry is going to work itself out. The record arrears and defaults that are sitting on most of the banks books waiting for a miraculous turn around in the economy for people to pay start paying double on their mortgages than originally agreed in fees and penalties isn't coming anytime soon. This is the new economic reality for the next 2-5 years or longer and all western financial institutions who refused to deal with it since 2008 are still in peril. Yes they can continue to book toxic assets or overvalued homes as assets, and collude with the real estate industry to artificially prop up prices in The Bahamas or they can work with the government on some program. Maybe not this one, but some relief program for the over taxed borrowers has to be implemented eventually. For if not we are dooming a large segment of our society to permanent underclass and hopelessness, because there is no such thing as filing for personal bankruptcy in the Bahamas. If you think having a permanent underclass is just ok with you, then I suggest you invest in guns, guard dogs and a bullet proof vest my friends.

On PLP's $250m mortgage plan blasted

Posted 16 May 2012, 6:01 p.m. Suggest removal

Philosopher_King says...

To the contrary those 13,000 DNA votes sent a clear message to both the PLP and FNM that more of us independent thinkers are prepared to turn our backs on their Saxon/Valley or nuttin way of tribal voting and will go in another direction. If the DNA continues to evolve, attracts more palatable candidates and remains ever present with alternative solutions and recommendation to the tried and failed FNM/PLP policies of yesteryear then they'll only get even more support by '17. Remember many disaffected younger voters I spoke with turned back at the last minute out of fear that Citizen Ingraham might scrape another slim margin victory this time. If the PLP fall back in to their old habits and the FNM bring back these Hubedite flunky retreads next time all bets will be off.

On FNM senators to be sworn in

Posted 16 May 2012, 5:38 p.m. Suggest removal

Philosopher_King says...

I'm glad to see you gave Zhivargo a job, because lord knows he don't have any marketable skills in the private sector nor does he have an entrepreneurial bone in his body. I would have hated to have seen him around town renouncing politics in the name of religion again in attempt to get a job.

On FNM senators to be sworn in

Posted 16 May 2012, 8:31 a.m. Suggest removal

Philosopher_King says...

Those who stood silent as a tyrant ruled should be last to say they can now reform the FNM, new fresh faces should have been brought in. Citizen Ingraham has successfully turned my former party in to The Hubidites, I hope they have learnt from the overwhelming rejection of his style and policies both in '02 and now again in '12. Failure to do so and break from his legacy will only strengthen the DNA if they play their cards right. I smell a third place finish next time if you don’t get some fresh blood in soon or can't woo back the prodigal sons and daughters.

On FNM senators to be sworn in

Posted 16 May 2012, 8:24 a.m. Suggest removal

Philosopher_King says...

This comment was removed by the site staff for violation of the usage agreement.

On Gov't warned: 'Don't renegotiate' BTC deal

Posted 15 May 2012, 4 p.m.

Philosopher_King says...

There is no greater shame than to hate something or someone so much that it consumes your being. I too am ecstatic to see the end of Citizen Ingraham's reign of terror, and with some apprehension hope that the new administration does put Bahamians’ interest first once and for all. I now wish to focus my energies on moving on to the business of rebuilding our fractured society and the future innovative development of our nation without looking back at the regrettable mistakes of the past 10 years of both the PLP and FNM through the prism of petty tribal politics. I encourage you Mr/Mrs/Ms TalRussell to do the same; there is no more time to gloat, let's get busy with the hard work ahead as Bahamians.

On Countdown to convention begins

Posted 15 May 2012, 12:11 a.m. Suggest removal

Philosopher_King says...

I concur with most of what you said, and would like to add that the FNM allowed Citizen Ingraham to corrupt their ideals of building a meritocracy based on fairness, putting Bahamians first and a society based on open discussion of the issues. The years between '92--97 were their best for the fact they had strong MP's and Cabinet Ministers who held his feet to the fire. I personally witness it all go awry by ‘99 when after he demanded his "own people" be brought in ’97 that his myopic view points, my way or the highway attitude and subservient demeanor to the financial benefactors of him and the party become the only way forward for the FNM. By '99 he had alienated me and many more like me began to follow; it led to crushing defeat in ’02 and so bringing him back in '07 was the biggest mistake they ever made (a short term fix for a long term problem). So now they have no one but him and themselves to blame for nearly 60% of the Bahamian public rejecting them at the polls,

Philosopher_King says...

I am encouraged they at least mentioned the 3 most important issues facing us as their top priorities, unlike Citizen Ingraham who in '07 at his first press conference rudely blurted out that the Airport terminal #1l, Stopping BTC #2 and his Stop, Review and Redistribute of all public works projects like the Straw Market to His Financial Benefactors as his top three focuses. Especially please with the renaming of education to include Science and Technology the hall marks of a 21st century digital age education. Jerome my good friend I'll be filling your in box, ears and hands with a steady stream of workable solutions with regards to technology. Let's keep this trend going because we're watching you guys this lap to break the trend of PLP/FNM tried and failed policies.

Philosopher_King says...

Most of your analysis is so off base you shows how really as out of touch with the Bahamian people you are. You must have been advising Citizen Ingraham or one of his yes men flunkies blindly following him into the abyss. For a myriad of real tangible reasons a majority of the voters (PLP and DNA) rejected the all Hubert all the time FNM, and you'll probably never really understand; due to your purely tribal hatred of the PLP. Remember the discontent you heard on the radio for the past 4yrs aside from a few empty vessel chronic callers was more likely general discontent with Ingraham, and pleas for discourse on the issues. Dismissing it as nonsense will get you in the end as you can now see.

Philosopher_King says...

Mr. Wells I don't know you personally like I know Arnold, Jerome, Danny, Ken and Michael,, but I can assure you Bran's contribution to furthering real representative democracy by forming the DNA may prove to be far greater contribution than anything you may accomplish as a minor figure in the PLP as you sit obediently on the back bench. I hope and pray that you and other 1st and 2nd time PLP MPs from the Independence Generation stand up for developing the Bahamas in a new more innovative way and reject the corrupt tendencies of the Old Guard. For if not in 5 years you'll be on the other end of the stick, watching Bran and the DNA Celebrate taking your seat from you, We the people aren't getting played for fools no more.

On 'Message secured Bamboo'

Posted 10 May 2012, 7:07 a.m. Suggest removal