Comment history

Philosopher_King says...

Delusions and revisionist history abounds amongst the vanquished. Citizen HAI is totally and completely to blame for this lost. For he was merely aided in small part by his spineless minions who failed to listen in '07 when I and many others said digging up HAI from the political graveyard will only bring short term success that will lead to long term failure for the FNM in 5 years. Now you see what we were talking about.

Philosopher_King says...

The Dear Maximum Leader once again only served the agenda of select few, choosing to build shiny facades rather than develop the people or nation holistically. As directed by his foreign investor masters he address their demands first and only used capital work projects to redirect wealth back toward the Old Bahamian Families of the merchant class mostly. His utter disregard for public debate on major issues affecting the majority of Bahamians and dictatorial one man band style caused him to be utterly rebuked at the polls across the length and breath of the Bahamas. Sorry he wasn't a true intellect, great nation builder or statesman just an adept island politician with a lot of guile and cunning whose reign of terror has come to an end

On Ingraham quits politics

Posted 9 May 2012, 10:09 a.m. Suggest removal

Philosopher_King says...

This myth of the DNA causing the FNMs landslide defeat is only a balm to soothe the bleeding wounds. If you don’t wish for those wounds to become infected Just deal with the cause for your cut behind; that is many us have been starved for an alternative to both the tried and failed PLP and FNM. We are looking for leadership reflective of our generations’ belief that now is our time to craft the future we envision for the Bahamas we were once told we would someday inherit. I applaud PM Christie for recognizing this in part and attracting a cadre of young candidates to run this lap that were far superior to the boot lick lackeys The Dear Maximum Leader had following him around with their mouths pinned shut. The question is: will the PM now let them help lead and set the agenda or will the PLPs old guard come from out of the shadows to rule in the "all for me baby" style once again?

On DNA pulled vote

Posted 9 May 2012, 12:27 a.m. Suggest removal

Philosopher_King says...

The DNA with a few exceptions was basically an unspectacular and unknown slate of candidates were still able to garner significant support considering the early developmental stages of the party. They need to continue to remain an intelligently vocal presence on the landscape and nurture their party’s philosophy. Many speculated that they were not going to be relevant at all this time around or just another flimsy attempt to form a 3rd party; when in fact in 9 short months they mostly ran an effective campaign in NP and accomplished way more than any 3rd party did previously. Image what they can do if they continue to court more polished candidates, energetic membership and craft a platform in line with the younger and disenfranchised voters aspirations for the country. We could be looking at possible coalition government in 2017 and who knows what beyond.

On DNA pulled vote

Posted 8 May 2012, 7:12 p.m. Suggest removal

Philosopher_King says...

Like a petulant little child after a scolding The Dear Maximum leader takes his ball and slinks back in to his hole to be taken care of by his financial benefactors whose hands he delivered in to country's wealth over the last 5 years. Good Riddance!!!

On Perry Christie 'encouraged by support'

Posted 8 May 2012, 12:03 p.m. Suggest removal

Philosopher_King says...

This is why he was humbled at the polls yesterday in a final count which may reveal that both with the combined PLP and DNA vote totals is a poorer showing for the FNM than in '02 in terms of the popular vote. Those who followed him blindly will now struggle to find another all encompassing know it all leader to bow down to. Others who believed in the FNM ideals he gradually corrupted since ’92 will be left to rebuild from the ashes and wonder why they let it go so wrong again.

On 'FNM have made a fairer society'

Posted 8 May 2012, 8:10 a.m. Suggest removal

Philosopher_King says...

I too have accomplish much as an entrepreneur to this point, but like many of my fellow small to medium size business owners and educated professionals found that The Dear Maximum Leaders policies and positions favoured the “Old Bahamian” families of the established merchant class and foreign entities mostly. So when I complain of not seeing a “fairer” society it is born out repeatedly being slap in the face by his actions when he was in a position of power to help level the playing field. What’s fair about taking large public works projects from competent young black professionals and giving to his usual suspect financial benefactors?

On 'FNM have made a fairer society'

Posted 8 May 2012, 7:59 a.m. Suggest removal

Philosopher_King says...

The Dear Maximum Leader is a joke. "Fairer" for the foreign investors and local wealthy merchant class he means, because the middle and professional classes have been given the dirty end of the stick and scraps to fight over, "Fairer" to his financial benefactors who now set the agenda of our development and benefit disproportionately in the sharing of the country's wealth or "Fairer" to all the undereducated youth who have no discernable skill set or “Fairer” for those unjustly murdered souls whose killers will never be brought to justice. Then he has made it "Fairer" unfortunately I'm pretty dark skinned so I couldn't take part in any of his brand of “Fairness”

On 'FNM have made a fairer society'

Posted 7 May 2012, 12:46 p.m. Suggest removal

Philosopher_King says...

There has never been a PM or government that has governed by real consensus in The Bahamas. In fact the Dear Maximum Leaders and his spineless minions in ’07 won by the narrowest of margins by seats and was the first government with less than 50% of the popular vote ever and he force fed down the people of the Bahamas all the legislative and executive decisions he could pack in 5 years. What we have is virtual dictatorship form of government, and if the DNA can win 3-6 seats this time they may force a coalition or at least force both these relic parties to start realizing you can't take the people for granted while you serve only a select few interests in the country. You don’t need to win to be relevant in a true Parliamentary form of government, far to many people whipped up in to tribal fervor and will be voting against there own self interest just because they want to be backing the wining horse, rather than looking true representative government.

On Christie: DNA has no chance

Posted 4 May 2012, 9:05 a.m. Suggest removal

Philosopher_King says...

I place a little more credence on exit polling, because traditionally in developed countries it is the most accurate form of polling. It captures a person already executed actions rather than perceived future ones of those who may never get to the polls or haven't even bothered to register. It also does so right after when they can't think of giving a response based on what they believe the pollster wants. It still has the potential to give erroneous data due to the newness of it to the Bahamian voter and their distrust of the pollsters pledge of confidentiality. The online polls are income and race biased due to fact of the digital divide and should be taken merely for entertainment purposes only. Totally disregard their results because no one gets 60% of the popular vote since the ‘70s.

On FNM play down exit poll result

Posted 4 May 2012, 8:44 a.m. Suggest removal