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Philosopher_King says...

Have tribal zealots been whipped up some much in to a frenzy they have lost their minds? This is a new level of low for politics in my beloved land. Nobody can justify or excuse this despicable act, perpetrated by a deranged FNM supporter. Probably one of those hardcore FNM's who proudly proclaim they was UBP before the FNM existed and never voted for the PLP or believed in majority rule who still harbours great hatred and contempt for PLPs. Regardless of your historical distaste for each other PLPs and FNMs need to dial done the rhetoric and vitriol personal insults and debate the issues like the DNA has begged you to time and time again during this election period.
On May 8th the real shadow powers of the foreign investors and the local wealthy merchant class will be back in charge laughing all the way to the bank while raping The Bahamas of its wealth, and most of you will still be standing around with your hands out wondering how you got bamboozled again after the party is over.

Philosopher_King says...

Whoa !!! The Dear Maximum Leader merely completed a plethora of PLP initiated projects and went around spending like a drunken sailor from the public coffers and now claims the Slow Hand Perry as copying. Although I believe Slow Hand may over deliberate, but he does have a few innovative ideas once he gets out of committee listening to all sides. On the other hand The Dear Maximum Leader's one man band if left unchecked will ultimately leave the bulk of us disenfranchised and regretting the day we allowed this de facto dictator to run amuck in the treasury doing his financial benefactors bidding.
I pray this time around if given another chance, the young cadre of intelligent and dynamic candidates Slow Hand Perry has been some how able to entice to line-up behind him hold his feet to the fire or fire him and Bradley if they fall back in to their bad habits. We all know The Dear Maximum Leaders minions won't be able to propose any innovative ideas or challenge him on any issue of national importance where he has gotten his marching orders from foreign interest or the local wealthy merchant class.

On PM accuses PLP of being copycats

Posted 26 April 2012, 1:27 p.m. Suggest removal

Philosopher_King says...

Seriously ?, this is what the mindless wish to discuss when we have so many pressing issues such as crime, the economy, the wholesale sellout of our country and decimation of the Middle and Working classes. If anyone chooses to give any serious thought to this rubbish you deserve the inept self-serving FNM/PLP governments you get every 5 years. Shame on The Dear Maximum Leader to waste precious time on this subject as a rouse to deflect from the issue, stop pandering to the base nature of individuals. For once PLPs and FNMs try and elevate the Bahamian peoples political debate, no wonder why so many of us hunger for alternative options.

Philosopher_King says...

Sorry meant to say '07 not '97

On PM hits out at Christie oil link

Posted 26 April 2012, 9:07 a.m. Suggest removal

Philosopher_King says...

Ladies and Gentleman, This is the last frontier of a visionless FNM/PLP governments attempt to revitalize our one trick pony economy. Let us all thank the DNA for bringing this issue to the forefront when both relic parties where trying to remain silent on it during this election period. Hoping to not have any public debate on what is probably the most important economic issue in a generation.
The duplicitous FNMs Dear Maximum Leader is once again talking out both sides of his mouth. All reasonable people familiar with his agile ability to pivot on the issue when instructed by his true masters know if he's able to renegotiate an oil deal to replace the PLP players from the stage with his usual suspect financial benefactors he’s going to flip flop faster than fish out of water and be all on board with the idea of oil rigs dotting the horizon like it was his in the begining.
My questions are similar to Arob can we responsibly exploit this valuable resource to the benefit of all Bahamians or will this just be another boon for the foreign investor and the wealthy local traditional merchant class who merely act as facilitators of it’s exploitation. Nothing would be more tragic than like many Third World dictatorships only a handful at the upper crust see any real economic value from it; while the masses of people languish under the yoke of back breaking high electrical and gas prices.
Above all things this is the real reason The Dear Maximum Leader is still seeking public office one last lap, to be able to redirect the potential financial windfall from oil proceeds in the favour of his financial benefactors. Similar to his promises and insinuation to end plethora of PLP deals in ’97 only to implement many of the same things he railed against after the disastrous Stop, Review and Renegotiate in our favour policy got him caught with his pants down when the Great Recession hit us broadside.

On PM hits out at Christie oil link

Posted 26 April 2012, 9:03 a.m. Suggest removal

Philosopher_King says...

I will reserve my full comment until after a good weekend read of this propaganda, but my utter shock at a picture of The Dear Maximum Leader with Bahamian children of African descent whose future he continuously puts on the back burner for the foreign investors’ interest and the vision of our Bahamas of that his local financial benefactors from the traditional wealthy merchant class made me shudder at his audacity.

On FNM releases its Manifesto

Posted 13 April 2012, 11:08 a.m. Suggest removal

Philosopher_King says...

Victor, Firstly this not a presidential election and every constituency should have had an opportunity to hear from all prospective MPs. Secondly the DNA is polling between 15-17% in all the attempts to do credible polling thus far, although I believe it won't ultimately lead to more than a few seats if any in the end. Their presence is causing both relic parties much aggravation.

On DNA repeat call for debate

Posted 13 April 2012, 10:52 a.m. Suggest removal

Philosopher_King says...

An unfortunate tenor has arisen from some who support The Dear Maximum Leader and his new batch of minions in the party formerly known as the FNM that scares me. Yes a well organized political debate would have given us an opportunity to hear directly from the candidates rather than having to listen to their endless rhetoric filled speeches to rabid frothing at the mouth tribal colour clad followers we usually get every 5 years.
Hard questions as to why we sold out BTC at 51% and not 49% (which was the only figure ever publically mentioned by either the PLP or FNM) in a no-bid deal to C&W or after deluding their followers in 2007 that they would oppose many of the deals left on the table by the PLP the FNM merely went ahead an executed them with small tweaks in favor of their financial benefactors or why in the midst of the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression our government chose to embark on aggressive tax and licensing fee collection regime on small businesses etc... We could have also clearly heard from all candidates their message as to how they intend to tackle our crime, education and economic crisis without filters and spin doctors shilling for them.
A well organized debate would have given the electorate one more data point to evaluate the prospective party’s agendas and the individual candidates make up first hand. Unfortunately the mindless tribal followers wish only to continue to jump up and down at rallies, parades and other forms of stupefying entertainment rather than engage in intelligent debate of the issues. For those of you whose minds are made up every election period based solely on tribal affiliations; you will never understand that the independent thinking voter wants to hear from our prospective leaders in as many possible forums before making up our minds.

On DNA repeat call for debate

Posted 13 April 2012, 9:55 a.m. Suggest removal