Comment history

Porcupine says...

Why are "the officials" and "The People" always opposite, and contradicting each other?

Porcupine says...

We continue to vote in people who have no vision for The Bahamas.
Things will get worse, before they get better.
It almost seems like The People just don't care.

On Bahamian traditions soon to end

Posted 9 April 2024, 1:55 p.m. Suggest removal

Porcupine says...

Please understand ThisisOurs, that the diet of hate started decades ago.
The hate started as the Zionists started ethnically cleansing Palestine.
You have to read things other than what the media puts forth for you to read.
The State of Israel should not be in the Middle East.
If anywhere, it should be in Europe, where most Israelis come from.
Do your homework.
The Palestinians were in Palestine. for 4000 years.
How long have Bahamians been in The Bahamas?
So, if an Arawak comes to your door and says, This is Ours, what would you say?
Let's be intelligent and fair-minded here.
The hate has been unleashed by the Zionists since before Israel was created in 1948.
The world is finally waking up to what is happening in Gaza and the West Bank.
Some, it seems, take longer to see the truth.

Porcupine says...

"As a result, this source voiced fears that the procurement portal’s administrator, namely the Government, could have been able to access various bid submissions with officials potentially able to pass intelligence on rivals’ offers to favoured groups."
I cannot imagine that anyone in the government would pass along restricted private information to their family, friends or business partners.
That would be wrong, yes?
Without a robust freedom of information act, there will NEVER be any honesty in government. And, perhaps why there are so very few honest politicians here in The Bahamas.

Porcupine says...

With results like these in the news headline, how do we also not acknowledge the national failure of our educational system, in helping to produce a political class and a populace that performs at this level?
The swim team did great. How about our political class? Winners or losers?
Not a hard question to answer, hey?
The people of The Bahamas are becoming poorer and poorer, due specifically, and solely to the actions of our government.

On Pension shake-up over $3.5bn hole

Posted 5 April 2024, 10:25 a.m. Suggest removal

Porcupine says...

"Mr Wilson last night told Tribune Business that the proposed reforms are “very important to stabilise our public finances, very important” given that in six years’ time they could potentially represent a further $3.5bn in unfunded liabilities in addition to the present $11.5bn national debt.
“This is probably the top risk to our public finances, pensions,” he reiterated. “The greatest risk is pensions, and the state pension deficit. It has to be dealt with as soon as possible.” The “risk”, which is akin to a ticking fiscal, economic and social time bomb, has been known for more than a decade given that KPMG’s first study was conducted in 2013, but successive administrations elected to pass on dealing with it.
No, Mr Wilson, the greatest risk is not pensions.
The greatest risk to the country's finances are the so-called leaders in this country. As you state, these numbers have been known for well over a decade.
The true danger to this country is the present incompetence of our political class. They have shown themselves to be ignorant, immoral,and thieving little people. Millions of dollars, if not billions of dollars, have been stolen from NIB in order to cover for our inability to do simple math, to be honest, and to hire educated managers. Instead, we have filled these important positions with those who merely kiss the asses of the brain dead politicians and show clearly that the only ones they choose to help is themselves and their family members.
This is merely the beginning of the end.
Our foreign debt is unsustainable. The Bahamas is borrowing money to pay the interest on our other loans. The chickens are coming home to roost. Even the most educated in Bahamian society are mute, perhaps hopeful, but more likely ignorant to the true facts on the ground.
The ticking time bomb that Mr. Wilson alludes to has already gone off. The ticking has stopped and now we are witnessing the explosion.
The ticking time bomb has been ticking everyday for 50 years and our political class has either been too stupid or too corrupt to do anything about it.
Mr Wilson, your words are falling on the ears of people who seem not to care that their country is being destroyed from within.
You Mr. Wilson, are firmly in the class that has helped destroy this once promising nation.
Any honest financial expert can see the writing on the wall. If they work for government, and speak the truth, they will lose their jobs.
Everyone just pretends that we are not witnessing hundreds of millions of dollars leave these shores each year in interest payments alone. What really, do we have to show for it?
As a nation, we seem proud of how dumbed down we have become. Tell me how many hundreds of millions of dollars each year go straight into the pockets of the web shop owners, the liquor stores and corrupt politicians?

On Pension shake-up over $3.5bn hole

Posted 5 April 2024, 10:19 a.m. Suggest removal

Porcupine says...

A funny article in that we have been plagued by this behaviour and criminality for how many decades now?
And we are still kicking the can down the road?
Bahamian Leadership?

On Gov’t eyes jet ski safety crackdown

Posted 4 April 2024, 7:49 a.m. Suggest removal

Porcupine says...

It seems we have lost competence in every area possible in this country.
A ship without a rudder, an engine, a captain.
This country is adrift and we are forced listen to chickens squawk.
Adrift, without a clue where to go.

On Three men held in Saunders murder

Posted 4 April 2024, 7:43 a.m. Suggest removal

Porcupine says...

Fish rots from head down.

Porcupine says...

It is all a Ponzi scheme.
Every "financial expert" that sets foot on these shores is paid to "produce" numbers for political reasons. No "financial expert" would ever run their households like we run a country. Their 6 figure salaries guarantee that they will not spill the beans. If they are even capable of seeing the beans.
We should focus on education and keeping the power on. Brilliant!
Why didn't anyone else think of that?
The Bahamas is awash in pervasive and endemic corruption, a serious lack of understanding and scholarship, a national political scene that is all smoke and mirrors, rising crime, well dressed idiots who claim to govern.
The children of this country should to be looking elsewhere for a future.
If a reasonably educated person cannot see the extent of our dilemma, they are not being honest.
We carry on as if we are not in dire straits.
We are broke.
Heavily in debt.
Our infrastructure is crumbling.
Our government is useless and killing The People.
Our productivity is embarrassing.
Our leadership is terminally lost.
And, in 20- 30 years there will be utter chaos as the sea level rises.
Why are we always behind the curve in understanding and planning?
Even hurricanes seem to catch us by surprise, like they did a century ago.
Why do we have our hand out, traveling the world, wanting others to pay for our lack of foresight and preparedness?
Our "leaders" seem bound and determined to keep us exactly where we are, in adolescence, as a nation of children.