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Proguing says...

Another pretty silly comment, nobody is arguing that it was right to kill that policeman. Trump called it a heinous attack. Compare this when BLM rioters killed David Dorn, a 77-year-old African-American retired police captain, who was fatally shot after interrupting the burglary of a pawn shop. The incident occurred during riots in St. Louis. No Democrat came out to condemn this killing. That's the difference.

Proguing says...

Go tell that to the family of 77-year-old African-American retired police captain David Horn, who was fatally shot after interrupting the burglary of a pawn shop during riots in St. Louis, Missouri.

On EDITORIAL: A shameful day for the US

Posted 9 January 2021, 3:31 p.m. Suggest removal

Proguing says...

Keep on dreaming and stop watching Disney movies, Lol

On EDITORIAL: A shameful day for the US

Posted 9 January 2021, 2:38 p.m. Suggest removal

Proguing says...

What would you do if someone stole the election?

On Realtor fears for Bahamas over Democrat wins

Posted 9 January 2021, 12:48 p.m. Suggest removal

Proguing says...

The only new blacklists during the Trump Presidency came from the Europeans. We were not blacklisted by the OECD like with Obama. Please understand that without American participation blacklists carry little weight.

Proguing says...

Clinton put an end to Americans banking in the Bahamas with FATCA and Obama put an end to banking for the rest of the world with CRS (automatic exchange of information). They are responsible for the declining offshore banking industry and for the many offshore bank closing. Today apart for a few Swiss banks, there are no European banks in the Bahamas.

Proguing says...

I suppose that you are not an unemployed ex-offshore banker...

Proguing says...

Better to go in the tourism business with all the tourists Cuba will steal from the Bahamas

Proguing says...

Yep, the BLM and antifa “peaceful protesters” who spent their summer rioting, looting, burning and pillaging have mysteriously disappeared since the election, I wonder why?

On EDITORIAL: A shameful day for the US

Posted 8 January 2021, 4:24 p.m. Suggest removal

Proguing says...

Yes that is correct and this is not new, remember Bush and Al Gore votes in Florida?

Robinette Biden said that Bush stole the election:

In a reference to Al Gore, who introduced Biden at the Washington, D.C., event, Biden said, "This man was elected president of the United States of America,"…

You can't make this stuff up!

On EDITORIAL: A shameful day for the US

Posted 8 January 2021, 4:06 p.m. Suggest removal