Comment history

Proguing says...

Yes he did not start a war like his predecessors and instead brought home soldiers and signed a bunch of peace treaties, how shameful...

On EDITORIAL: A shameful day for the US

Posted 8 January 2021, 4:01 p.m. Suggest removal

Proguing says...

Yes Robinette Biden will be a disaster for the Bahamas. Like Obama and Clinton, he will blacklist our Nation, like Obama he will open up Cuba. But first he will put the US in lockdown, which will dry up the few tourists coming here and create a new recession. Then he will hike taxes etc. I can’t see anything positive for the Bahamas with such an individual as President.

Proguing says...

They said that VAT would get rid of the national debt...

On Spill would be a disaster

Posted 16 December 2020, 5:45 p.m. Suggest removal

Proguing says...

Unfortunately the new tourism "bubble" business model does not bode well for Straw vendors

Proguing says...

"Kick the Chinese Embassy out of our country!" Don't you know that they own Bahamar, the British Colonial Hilton, The Point and the port in Grand Bahama? They are your new master. Better start to learn to speak Chinese.

Proguing says...

Foreign investment is celebrating the expected death of BPC. The country's oil risks (oil spills, bad image, corruption etc) have been removed.

Proguing says...

Venezuela is not far away and has the largest oil reserves in the world. I suggest you take a trip over there to see what the future looks like for the Venezuelan children

On Who wants to be a petro-state?

Posted 13 December 2020, 11:34 a.m. Suggest removal

Proguing says...

As I said many times, the only supporters of this oil drilling project in the Bahamas are those on the payroll of BPC. Therefore it is time to investigate who issued the permits and on what basis.

Proguing says...

The majority of tourists who come here come by ship and they are for the rich and educated they will want to experience Cuban culture. They were all in Cuba before the revolution and will return as soon as they can.

Ask yourself this question. If Biden opens up Cuba to Americans and you are an investor looking to build a hotel in the Caribbean, where would you invest your money? It's not only the tourists that will will lose, but also the foreign investments.

On Death knell for tourism

Posted 10 December 2020, 2:56 p.m. Suggest removal