Comment history

Publius says...


On PM admits missteps with Oban Energies deal

Posted 20 March 2018, 11:48 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...


On Sacked workers need job options

Posted 22 August 2017, 7:30 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

Agreed. Pam is being scapegoated in my view, particularly given that the CFO was untouched.

Publius says...

> Major reform initiatives include legislation to mandate that all children between two and a half years old and three must be enrolled in a government approved programme

This cannot happen without all the adequate resources being in place first; otherwise this will be nothing more than State mandated daycare

On Pre-school enrolment below 50%

Posted 22 August 2017, 4:12 p.m. Suggest removal

Publius says...

So, all involved, including the member of an historic FNM family who was the key person in the thefts will never see criminal charges then? So much for "accountability".

Publius says...

> “We are in the business of governing,” Mr Dames told reporters outside of Cabinet on Tuesday morning.

He thinks governing is repeatedly refusing to account to the nation on this very important matter?

Publius says...

> This is simply political and economic hara-kiri to buy that hotel,” Mr Smith told Tribune Business. “This is grasping for straws and an unimaginative collapse in government thinking. I do not think that direct government ownership in private enterprise is good for the economy in any circumstances.


> Mr Smith conceded that taxpayer subsidies could be needed to underwrite such an arrangement

Do not agree. Does Smith know how many multiplied millions in our tax dollars Hutchison has already received in one form or another, for a resort property it cares nothing about and has done nothing to boost?

Publius says...

> Pain for who?

I asked this same question. I saw nothing painful in what the Tribune highlighted as axe-swinging. What would truly be painful the government is not likely to want to attempt, or has not thought about attempting.

Publius says...

> I left the country to contribute to my own life. You only live once. We all owe it to ourselves to make the best possible lives for ourselves.


Publius says...

> Ordering a 10% cut of government departments is like putting a bandaid on a wound that requires a tourniquet.

I agree with this and share this sentiment. Those of us who know how the Budget is laid out know that this is true.

> The most disturbing thing about the new government, is that they really don't know what they should be doing to future-proof the Bahamas.
