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Questionmark says...

I understand what your getting at, your obviously among the middle-classed in this country. If MP's are getting pay raises for the second consecutive time or second attempted time why not raise the minimum wage also? How can you start from the top, there is no trickle down effect. You say they country is ran the way it is because of low salary? HELL NO, there is high crookedness in HIGH places. Instead of finding ways to develop the country so that it can earn more money and have means to do these things, they are raping the treasury and bringing this place to its KNEES. 2 billion in 2 years? who the heck gonna pay that off…surely not my kids, there is a great chance they won't be bahamian to earn that right.
Bottom line, this government hasn't EARNED a pay rise, nothing but crap has been done. Money has been spent with little to no productivity to show for it. They are not working at a 28,000 annual salary, so you think with 75 the attitudes of greedy wealthy men will change? You need a reality check, while people are left to starve and prostitute themselves in the never ending hustle to stay alive, these men live very well, off the same backs and have yet to prove they believed in anything other than the bahamian dollar in their own bank accounts.

my humble opinion!

On MPs are too greedy

Posted 19 May 2014, 11:57 a.m. Suggest removal

Questionmark says...

So what is he getting out of this Band wagon? Every time certain "men of god" make the media, its definite that evil is afoot, no matter what they are backing. I don't see how you can back the illegal numbers racket, and then turn around to rally against CRIME. My gosh stand for something in its totality.

Questionmark says...

i havent voted but i give them an 'A', they are not really failing. I mean if you have a crappy history, was voted back in on a crappy election campaign, how can you expect anything but more crap. So in a sense they are living up to expectation and therefore deserve an "A". :D

Questionmark says...

Its only a major achievement because despite ALL the crap, two-thirds of the voting populous have yet to make a unified effort to end this non stop circus. You want a discussion, lets discuss dissolving of government and retirement. Thanks.

Questionmark says...

How dumb are some of these females, your 17 (not of legal age) out with a friend who might also be underage at an event in a hotel at 4 in the morning and some guy gets you to come to his room and you didn't consider that might happen? She needs to return to jr. high and get another chance at the educational system. Her ability for sound reasoning and comprehension skills is underdeveloped.

On Man held after alleged rape at hotel

Posted 29 April 2014, 1:20 p.m. Suggest removal

Questionmark says...

I don't see what this has to do on anything, your worried about porn am worried about the newly appointed pastor Fraiser.

Questionmark says...

How about, before we consider taxes we consider some kind of spending control on government and its agencies, tax the number men and stop them from giving out mortgages and other non taxed business that are flourishing while the government does nothing… or call another election so this madness can end. its frustrating!

On ‘Payroll tax not a viable option’

Posted 15 April 2014, 2:13 p.m. Suggest removal

Questionmark says...

Seriously, did the government pay for this? What makes this man so deserving of a party and entertainment off the backs of Bahamians? I am actually insulted…that money couldn't go towards an initiative to train current workers in the tourism sector, or create opportunities for jobless bahamians? what is wrong with this government? And to add insult to injury his advice for the dreamers is to keep dreaming…well thats all people are left to do! Well coming home…. Are we broke or not?

Questionmark says...

I am GLAD its happening. Fools following foolish advice. This would have been the same person who told them before election to strike under the previous government they have "full support". Now as an MP he will not have that. Its hilarious. Good luck to them.

Questionmark says...

Thank you for JUST getting the picture bj, those brain cells are not dead, but turning over…..slowly

On Murder accused ‘should not get bail’

Posted 14 March 2014, 4:08 p.m. Suggest removal