Comment history

Questionmark says...

This isn't a shocker, its like the great race to make it to 25 in this country.

On Life expectancy drops in the Bahamas

Posted 14 March 2014, 4:05 p.m. Suggest removal

Questionmark says...

really Candace, your so funny!

On Jobs shake-up at webshop

Posted 13 March 2014, 1:59 p.m. Suggest removal

Questionmark says...

um that "bastard children every where (which adds to Crime problem)" <-- that is loads of crap, i am one of those "bastard" children, and i don't have bills, loans or a criminal record. Don't make generalizations, varying degrees of criminals (which ranges from not paying the bus driver 25 cents to not paying taxes, customs etc) come from varying homes..thanks.

Questionmark says...

How can a Bahamian run for another country's government?! He isn't Bahamian, he is american with bahamian parentage or of bahamian decent. Get it correct. This is a dumb headline because even Ryan Pinder had to give up one of his citizenships to be eligible to run in our elections. I doubt America wouldn't do the same. Kudos to him even though i missed the point of this article.

On Bahamian runs for US Congress

Posted 13 March 2014, 9:08 a.m. Suggest removal