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Raptor22 says...

correction: "Carlos Lehder"

On A COMIC'S VIEW: A week of no, no, no

Posted 8 July 2018, 7:47 p.m. Suggest removal

Raptor22 says...

No, birdistrachan, you want to look at some "ogle" people? its all your thieving PLPs who robbed the Public Treasury and VAT money dry, and put The Bahamas back 45 years, beginning with Pindling, Joe Lehder's man, and other corrupt PLP politicians. How our Airport could be named after a drug dealing PM is beyond comprehension. All I can say is, "only in the Bahamas" , in any other country he would have been locked up.

On A COMIC'S VIEW: A week of no, no, no

Posted 8 July 2018, 7:28 p.m. Suggest removal

Raptor22 says...

So, tax the Bahamian people 12% VAT, and then take a hike to caricom with fifteen fnm freeloaders, fully paid for by the hard-working, taxed-to-death Bahamians who live in a Country that cannot even keep the lights on during the long, hot unbearable summers, where Bahamians pay HUGE electricity bills whether the electricity is on or off, and I ask the fnm "why not solar", why not alternative clean energy, but just like the PLP there is no movement by the FMN to improve the energy crisis in The Bahamas. The people suffer. But the FNM Government has shown us they just does not care about the people who voted them in for change. The people cry for relief, but if falls on deaf ears.

Thank you Inigo for your excellent writing.

On A COMIC'S VIEW: A week of no, no, no

Posted 8 July 2018, 7:01 p.m. Suggest removal

Raptor22 says...

you mean when Dr. Minnis said:

“The Department of Statics would tell you that poverty is up…and as for not caring, if somebody’s poor and already down, and you increase tax on them, you must not be caring, how else can you explain that, ask the man over the hill who can’t buy bread, and now he has an extra cost, ask him, he would interpret that as not caring. You who live in the ivory towers do not because the 7 1/2 % do not affect you. Mr. Speaker, it is clear from this budget communication that the PLP is more interested with winning an election than governing our Country. I want to say it again, it is clear that you are more interested in winning an election than governing a Country."

Yes, very interesting!

On Who will be celebrating Independence?

Posted 8 July 2018, 5:53 p.m. Suggest removal

Raptor22 says...

DDK your are absolutely correct! As soon as I heard about the 12% VAT I spoke with the FNM MP i helped vote in, and he didn't give a fig. No more political rallies for me, I am tired of being LIED TO!!

On Who will be celebrating Independence?

Posted 8 July 2018, 4:35 p.m. Suggest removal

Raptor22 says...

you can listen to this budget debate posted by "FNM Killarney" on youtube, June 19, 2015.

On Who will be celebrating Independence?

Posted 8 July 2018, 3:28 p.m. Suggest removal

Raptor22 says...

could The Tribune please remove my above post as your "bold" feature did not work? thanks.

On Who will be celebrating Independence?

Posted 8 July 2018, 3:14 p.m. Suggest removal

Raptor22 says...

I quote the Hon. Dr. Hubert Minnis, MP in the House of Assembly Budget Debate 2014:

“The PLP government continues to sing praises of the smoothness with which VAT was introduced.”

"But the [PLP] Government has shown no appreciation for the pain and suffering, the pain and suffering, Mr. Speaker, inflicted by VAT on our poor, the pain and suffering inflicted by VAT on our pensioners, and the VAT burden inflicted on the middle class in our society.”

“...we in the FNM feel even stronger now that it was wrong of this PLP government to inflict pain on our poor, our pensioners, our disposed and on the middle class. Mr. Speaker I cannot imagine how a PLP party born out of the struggles of the poor, and which for so many years survived on the backs of the poor could now turn their backs on them, how could you?”

I believed you,Dr. Minnis .

But I now ask Prime Minister Dr. Hubert A. Minnis:

how could you?

On Who will be celebrating Independence?

Posted 8 July 2018, 3:10 p.m. Suggest removal

Raptor22 says...

I quote the Hon. Dr. Hubert Minnis, MP in the House of Assembly Budget Debate 2014:

“The PLP government continues to sing praises of the smoothness with which VAT was introduced.”

"But the [PLP] Government has shown no appreciation for the pain and suffering, the pain and suffering, Mr. Speaker, inflicted by VAT on our poor, the pain and suffering inflicted by VAT on our pensioners, and the VAT burden inflicted on the middle class in our society.”

“...we in the FNM feel even stronger now that it was wrong of this PLP government to inflict pain on our poor, our pensioners, our disposed and on the middle class. Mr. Speaker I cannot imagine how a PLP party born out of the struggles of the poor, and which for so many years survived on the backs of the poor could now turn their backs on them, how could you?”

I believed you, Dr. Minnis .

**Strong**But I now ask Prime Minister Dr. Hubert A. Minnis:**Strong**

**Strong**how could you?**Strong**

On Who will be celebrating Independence?

Posted 8 July 2018, 3:03 p.m. Suggest removal