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Raptor22 says...

Most Bahamians are suffering; under austerity; with the 12% VAT can’t afford atrociously high electricity & water bills, healthy food, medical bills, health insurance, basic necessities of life, while the PM travels to caricom with 15, not 3 or 4, but 15, paid for by taxpayers:

caricom entourage:

• Joshua Sears, Senior Policy Advisor;

• Darren Henfield, Minister of Foreign Affairs;

• Jeffrey Lloyd, Minister of Education;

• His Excellency Reuben Rahming, High Commissioner of The Bahamas to caricom;

• Pakesia Parker-Edgecombe, Parliamentary Secretary, Office of the Prime Minister;

• Viana Gardiner, Chief Operating Officer, Prime Minister’s Delivery Unit;

• Michael Guy, Foreign Service Officer;

• Kemico Sands, Protocol Officer, Office of the Prime Minister;

• Inspector Livingstone Barr, Aide to the Prime Minister;

• Sgt Kirk Bastian, Aide to the Prime Minister;

• Yontalay Bowe, Personal Assistant/Photographer;

• Lindsay Thompson, BIS Senior Information Officer;

• Kent Minnis, BIS Senior Digital Visuals Editor;

• Altovise Munnings, ZNS Reporter;

• and Philip Marche, cameraman.

I voted FNM, but this sure is not The People’s Time.

On Who will be celebrating Independence?

Posted 8 July 2018, 12:53 p.m. Suggest removal

Raptor22 says...

Porcupine, if I may quote more sections of your letter:

"The first thing a decent leader would do is to admit that we must all share in the pain together. The decent thing to do would be to vote for a reduction in pay for all MPs, and to institute a progressive tax for those who are not just making ends meet, but actually getting rich by any standards. What is wrong with my thinking? "

"Are Dr Minnis and Mr Turnquest and the rest of the MPs who voted on this increase in VAT? They must see the statistics of how many Bahamians are suffering. For god’s sake, we are in a national crisis."

On Who will be celebrating Independence?

Posted 8 July 2018, 12:05 p.m. Suggest removal

Raptor22 says...

yes, we have a crisis. excellently written.

"VAT, no matter how it is justified, is disproportionately, and unarguably making some people starve and go without. Many Bahamians are being forced to go without food, medicine, electricity, school clothes, lunch money, and on and on. Not luxuries, but the very basics required for life. "

On Who will be celebrating Independence?

Posted 8 July 2018, 11:55 a.m. Suggest removal

Raptor22 says...

Brilliantly written, hilarious but factual. We need men like you to run in the next election. What say you Naughty?

Raptor22 says...

congratulations Shaunae.

On Miller lands silver with personal best

Posted 30 August 2015, 5:50 p.m. Suggest removal

Raptor22 says...

bring the medal back home Jeffery...good job man!!

Raptor22 says...

Exactly, and well put, "asiseeit", Well worth repeating on future posts!

Raptor22 says...

of course he will, MonkeeDoo...he is after all ***Valentine "slime" Grimes*** another PLP crook

Raptor22 says...

He went to the best schools and colleges, and his Pa would have wailed his tail if he ever hit the grades he is ***encouraged*** about for other people's children. Fitzgerald is ensuring his children get the highest education, because Jerome would not tolerate his children bringing home these **encouraging** grades.

On BGCSE RESULTS: Mathematics E, English D+

Posted 23 August 2015, 10:17 a.m. Suggest removal

Raptor22 says...

education Minister Jerome Fitzgerald yesterday insisted he was **“encouraged” by this year’s Bahamas General Certificate of Secondary Education (BGCSE) exam results despite an E average in mathematics and an English average of D+.** **Hahaaaaaaaaaaaaa...**..Fitzgerald, doing as Pindling did...keep them dumb, stupid, uneducated, so the masses don't know any better, and they vote PLP, no matter how much they suffer at the hands of this corrupt PLP, no matter that areas still they don't have running water, toilets, no matter the VAT tax burden on our daily lives, and Jerome, don't forget to play **ROOTS** on ZNS during election time, like Pindling.

On BGCSE RESULTS: Mathematics E, English D+

Posted 23 August 2015, 10:02 a.m. Suggest removal