Comment history

RealTalk says...

Can PM Minnis close the country for 4 weeks? (2 weeks complete shutdown and 2 weeks of a drive thru Food Store). By then we will know exactly who has it and can quarantine the individuals and try to treat them. At this point, we are still risking the lives of Bahamians. ONE (1) death of a Bahamian citizen is too much; We are at FIVE (5) in one week! It is growing exponentially which is dangerous to our livelihood. PM Minnis I am urging you to close to the country this weekend until this problem is under control. One week is more than enough time for people to prepare. Let's use these 4 weeks of shutdown to devise a plan to find another number 1 industry. This is The Bahamas....We are in this together!

RealTalk says...

The new schedule is MORE than appropriate for this global pandemic. The best part is no one can hit me with a conch now! Stay safe Bahamas

RealTalk says...

I am pretty sure that PM Minnis knows that Monday the shops are going to be crowded if the stores are opened back up. He will make an announcement on Sunday. To combat this, he will do the following:

1. Implement a shop by the first letter of your last name schedule.
2. Order online to lessen the wait time. (Drive Thru Food Store)

If I'm wrong hit me with a conch :)

RealTalk says...

This has to be a joke. April Fools everyone!

RealTalk says...

I am hopeful that Minister Jeff Lloyd will close ALL virtual schools effective immediately. Students are not focused at this time. If you continue with virtual schools what happen to those students who are stuck at home with no internet? What about those students who parents are now laid off...with no money? What about those students who have certain underlying conditions (asthma or heart problems), you really expect them to be focus on school at this time? What about those students who are subject to mental, physical and sexual abuse by parents or 24/7 because their offender is now out of a job due to the shutdown? Students have feelings too and they understand more than you might think. This is not a conducive situation for the students at the present moment. The shutdown of the country and the increasing number of cases has people (adults and students) concerned and worried. If work stops, school should stop!

On National exams will be moved

Posted 1 April 2020, 11:31 a.m. Suggest removal

RealTalk says...

"However, he stressed in the House of Assembly yesterday this country’s **short-term** food supplies are adequate."

How many months does Mr. Pintard consider **short-term** especially at the rate people are now buying groceries? 1 month, 2 months....maybe 3....

RealTalk says...

Can we close fast food places now? There are long lines of people waiting outside and the workers are wearing no gloves or masks! They are talking over your food like everything is normal. There are droplets (carrying the virus) that can leave their mouth and fall on your chicken and fries. They are touching the box and drink cup with no gloves. Let's get serious about this people! Grocery Stores, Gas Stations, Pharmacies and Doctor Officers are the only places that should be open!

On New case of COVID-19 in Grand Bahama

Posted 28 March 2020, 10:42 p.m. Suggest removal

RealTalk says...

The real question is...How many people are in quarantine at their residence?

RealTalk says...

Wait, 90 minutes to exercise outside in your own yard? Or if you are going for a run on the streets?

RealTalk says...

These are things that should have been announced weeks ago! Here we are almost 24 hours after the first confirmed case was made public, we are just now hearing details about the response plan. The hotline numbers should have been announced weeks ago. The location to deal with people feeling symptoms should have been announced weeks ago. The people on the Family Islands should know exactly where to go and how to receive help. Wait a minute, where do they go?? Why did we wait until our 'first' confirmed case to now provide this information.

"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to FAIL"

Once again, we have failed!