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RealTalk says...

Let's look at a hypothetical situation. A cashier comes in contact with someone who has the virus, but the person isn't showing any symptoms. Now this same cashier who is interacting with let's say 50 to 100 customers daily has the potential to spread the virus to some of the customers. Let's say the virus spreads to 5 out of the 100 customers she will see daily. From Tuesday - Friday, that will be 20 infected people. Now those 20 people also has families. So you will have to times that by 5. We are looking at 100 people infected. Symptoms won't show for 14 days. That same cashier comes in the following week and the same events occur. The 100 people in the first week just grew to 200 positive people in the second week. This is a situation on a very low spectrum. If a Wendy's employee tested positive, a super market cashier can definitely be positive at this very moment, but show no symptoms. This is a very delicate subject to keep the food stores closed. But, I think at this very present moment; people will have to do what they can. Bread and tuna never killed anyone.

RealTalk says...

I am hopeful that all stores will remain close come Tuesday for an additional 2-3 weeks. We did a weekend shutdown, cool. We are now doing a week shutdown, cool. do not waste this week by opening stores on tuesday! We are in doing our time in JAIL but please please please do not make this more difficult because some people aren't prepared. Drastic time calls for drastic measures. one week down, three more to go! do not allow this time to go to waste! We need to return back to living some what a "normal" life! Once the health aspect is behind us, let's look at how we can recover economically. but do not waste this one week by opening the stores.

RealTalk says...

You got to be kidding me...Home learning has failed. Let's face it, now is not the time to implement such a mode of learning. Close down all schools. Use the midterm grades as the final grades. School ends early this year. When this is all over, no Christmas Break, no Easter Break, shorter summer break. Sorry to the grade 12's who might have gotten the short end of the stick.

RealTalk says...

Wow that is surely the best news told in weeks! God is good

RealTalk says...

I am begging PM Minnis at this point to have a complete shutdown for 4 weeks. The last 2 weeks should be open as a drive through food store.

RealTalk says...

"To date, the Bahamas has a COVID-19 **mortality** rate of 17.5 percent, one of the highest in the world."

The D average don't know what **mortality** means. It means our **death** rate is one of the highest in the WORLD! Now I'm scared....

RealTalk says...

Yes we don't know the exact number of cases because these are results from 2-3 weeks ago. At this present moment, we have had 36 confirmed cases. If you are over 50, please stay home. Encourage family members to take precautions while they are out. Stay safe Bahamas.

RealTalk says...

So we have more deaths than recovered. Should I be worried? 6/11 = 55%. We have a 45% chance of living if we get it. I am excited for the 4 week shutdown

RealTalk says...

shut them down all fast food places right now!

On Wendy's confirms COVID-19 case

Posted 7 April 2020, 4:39 p.m. Suggest removal

RealTalk says...

I will support the one week shutdown by PM Minnis on ONE condition and one condition only. Turn one week to four weeks! Provide a way 2 weeks into the shutdown to have food delivered to people. four weeks or nothing! Oh yeah one more condition. pay the rbpf, rpdf and health care workers twice their monthly pay during this time! You have my support 100%. We are in this together Bahamas.