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RealTalk says...

Let's look at this scenario.

You found a gold mine in your backyard. You tell all the people on your island so tens of thousands of people already know. But you do not go to the news and tell the people in America or Europe.

But what if an American decides to travel to your island out of curiosity. He comes over and visits your house. He sees the gold mine and takes it from you. He then shares the news with CNN and BBC of the gold mine which allows the masses (millions) to hear of it.

Did he discover it? or Did you discover it?

On ‘Time to bin Columbus memorial’

Posted 11 June 2020, 10:41 a.m. Suggest removal

RealTalk says...

Cambridge dictionary defines discovery as: "the process of finding information, a place, or an object, **especially for the first time**, or the thing that is found"

Not sure where you got your definition from

On ‘Time to bin Columbus memorial’

Posted 10 June 2020, 9:35 p.m. Suggest removal

RealTalk says...

We should just put up statues of Cordell Farrington or Kofhe Goodman while we are at it. Since we have and want to keep a statue of Columbus; someone who kidnaps, tortures, rapes, and murders people. Let's just put up more statues of those types of people. Put up Farrington in Grand Bahama and Goodman by Goodman's Bay beach. They both made history in The Bahamas with the same despicable acts Columbus did.

It's puzzling to me that people would want to keep Columbus statue up. Is it because Columbus is white? or Is it because you people are also that sick in the head? Weirdos...

On ‘Time to bin Columbus memorial’

Posted 10 June 2020, 2:34 p.m. Suggest removal

RealTalk says...

“Despite a virtual school that has seen registration reach over 48,000 students, and an average of 20,000 engaged daily"...yeah sureee... LOL

By the way, **Engaged** and **Effective** are two different things.

RealTalk says...

I love your points. I'm looking at it from a different stance. Let's parley.

The schools were closed on March 15th. The BGCSE Math was set to start around May 15th (an additional 60 days with their teacher) and the BJC Math around June 15th (an additional 90 days with their teacher). Despite popular belief that the students should be in revision mode; the majority of the time, the teacher has not yet completed all of the topics for the exam. Believe it or not, these additional days could have made a difference between a pass and a fail.

The students we're home for 3 months. Imagine being told repeatedly by the PM, who is also a doctor that this Coronavirus can "kill you". Imagine both parents being laid off from work. They said unemployment was up to 40%. We are creatures of habit and to suddenly have your world turn upside down can be overwhelming. The mental, emotional, and financial unstableness can lead to stress, anxiety, and depression. Very few possess the tenacity and grit to stay on course.

All of that to say, I agree wholeheartedly with your last point. I don't think the exams should be canceled. But, I do think that it is only fair to give the students the additional days they would have had before the closure of schools. For some subjects, it would be 45 days, for some 60 days, and for others 90 days.

On 8,000 call for exams to be cancelled

Posted 9 June 2020, 1:48 a.m. Suggest removal

RealTalk says...

Bahamians always want to talk down on the younger generation. shame on you old people

There is a saying, "Put up or Shut up". If yinna ain't giving out scholarships or free classes to help the students, please do the future generation a favor and put a sock in it

On 8,000 call for exams to be cancelled

Posted 8 June 2020, 9:32 p.m. Suggest removal

RealTalk says...

What a sad tragedy. Sleep on princess. Justice for Lorencia!!!

RealTalk says...

These countries were also on lockdown. The difference is they were prepared. You can not negate the fact that The Bahamas did not prepare. They failed in that regard.

On FRIDAY UPDATE: No new cases of COVID-19

Posted 5 June 2020, 9:39 p.m. Suggest removal

RealTalk says...

We should be ashamed to even put this up! Other smaller islands like Bermuda, Barbados, and Cayman are laughing at us. Bermuda population - 65,000 people and they did 7,891 tests (12%). The Cayman Islands population - 64,000 people and they did 13,947 tests (22%). We have not tested 1% of the population...SAD.

On FRIDAY UPDATE: No new cases of COVID-19

Posted 5 June 2020, 9:06 p.m. Suggest removal

RealTalk says...

Lol. These are questions that need answers!