Comment history

RealTalk says...

Stories like this always break my heart. I remember PE in school and we did sports such as Softball, Basketball, Track & Field, and Volleyball. Even classes such as Literature or History and they all seemed like a waste of time. The problem is none of these classes are helping the youths with anger.

Instead of traditional sports, PE classes should implement Boxing or Weight Lifting class for the young men who are angry. They can even make this an option instead of PE. In the United States, Wrestling and Weight Training are an option in most schools. Implementing these classes can give them an outlet to release some of that built-up tension and stress. Also, we need to substitute some classes with 'Anger Management' and 'How to Handle Confrontation'. They can still receive a letter grade on the scale A-F. By not changing the system we are not helping the situation. Therefore the cycle will continue.

The Bahamas is a beautiful place, yet most Bahamians are angry! For what? We are not taught to be happy. The church is not the answer. You go there once a week for 2 hours. If you are going to have thousands of young lives 40 hours a week for about 13 years of their life; it is the government's responsiblity to change the educational system so that it can play an integral role in changing the mindset of young students.

May his family find strength during this time.

RealTalk says...

PM Minnis why you always look so handsome and clean with a low hair cut. Please open the barbershop effective Monday. I want to look handsome too yanno

The BJC and BGCSE results will be the worst the country has ever seen. As a matter of fact, I can guarantee a decent percentage will opt not to take the exams due to the fact that they have already 'graduated'. You can't take them out of school for 4 months and expect them to produce quality results. But we care more about meeting deadlines than improving our national grade average which is a 'D'.

RealTalk says...

ThisisOurs, I agree. We know life has to go on as usual. There has to be guidelines taken to prevent and limit the spread of the virus via air transport. If we both can have similar thoughts, all is not lost. Hopefully, the powers that be implement a system that will be beneficial to the people.

RealTalk says...

If the FNM Government does not squash not only this young man conviction but every other person who has a 'COVID conviction', they will lose that last bit of respect I have for them. You impose these harsh and strict rules on the country to "save lives"; yet we are opening up the country to tourists with no testing! i can accept the fine, but a conviction? You got to to be kidding me. PM Minnis made these rules and now it is his time to step in and make this right. Change the system. Far too long the courts have been keeping young black Bahamians down, its time the people vote in the judges. We are ruining the future of Bahamians over coconuts and a 9pm curfew; what kind of foolishness is this!!!!! Wearing a mask, washing your hands and social distance save lives, not a 9pm curfew.

On ‘Quash coconut conviction’

Posted 2 June 2020, 10:48 p.m. Suggest removal

RealTalk says...

LOL. If you don't laugh, you'll cry. So the tourist coming in don't have to 14 day self quarantine but Bahamians **after being tested negative** returning to The Bahamas (their home) do? WOW....On another note; Temperature checks should be administered to the passengers from their departure destination. The airline should minimize risk of exposure of COVID to their flight attendants and pilots. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the airline to ramp up protocol in that regard. We can even suggest, it is the responsibility of the airport that no one enters without first being screened. Can you imagine an airport like Hartsfield–Jackson Atlanta International Airport or John F. Kennedy International Airport. The government should perform a second temperature check upon arrival as well.

RealTalk says...

Thats very true. It's been months. I hope they find a way to bring them home soon.

RealTalk says...

Police related shooting in the span of less than 2 months:

24th February 2020 - Narshon Adderley (dead)

2nd March 2020 - Steve Voltaire (dead)

13th March 2020 - Cedric Thompson (75 y/o) (dead)

30th April 2020 - Adrian Wright (dead)

24th May 2020 - John Tellam "AN American boat captain was detained by police on Friday **after opening fire on officers** during a tense stand off on Green Turtle Cay where crime is virtually unheard of."

“They decided to detain him for the night and figure out what they were going to do with him.”

"Prosecutors allege that Tellam had **138 rounds** of 12-gauge shotgun shells, **100 rounds** of .556 ammunition and **553 rounds** of .223 ammunition with the intent to supply." Let's not forget the attempted murder charges at police. Bahamians have to wait weeks or months or years until they can get bail for crimes less severe than this!

Something about this just don't sit right with me.

Are black police officers killing black people? Are black police officers allowing white people to shoot at them but take them in alive? How is the court system giving this person bail on his FIRST court appearance in the amount of $10,000 after shooting at the police!

Let's be fair Bahamas.

RealTalk says...

There is a fine line between speaking your mind and making a threat. The people of Abaco and Grand Bahama are **hurting** almost one year after the storm. Here we are, entering another hurricane season and I have not heard about any preparation. Yes face masks are important, but we should also order life vests and whistles. Did the official new building code every come to fruition? We had two tropical storms before the official hurricane season starts!

On Threats to PM probed by police

Posted 29 May 2020, 6:29 p.m. Suggest removal

RealTalk says...

This is a disaster waiting to happen...

Ask yourself how is this going to benefit Bahamians?

Ask yourself if you think these people… or… really care about Bahamians. Who are these people is the question!

these are not bahamians! The country is for sale....sad

RealTalk says...

"well obedience is better than sacrifice" ..... If your dad tells you to jump off a 3 story building or run your car into a wall with your baby inside; that's what your going to do? Because obedience is better than sacrifice?

Come on we have to think for ourselves and use good judgement no matter what was said or who said it. Let us be leaders and not followers.

On Courts urged: Have a heart

Posted 21 May 2020, 9:58 a.m. Suggest removal