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RealTalk says...

In the words of the PM...**Are you humane? Where is your heart? Where is your compassion? Do you have a soul?**

They have been arresting and charging homeless bahamians from the onset. They should have went to court and be placed in those hotels used for returning residents. There are many Bahamians who would have donated clothes to those people to have clean clothes to wear. I guarantee you that they would have been more than grateful. They are human beings too SMH

With great power comes greater responsibility. Use your discretion in arresting and handing down sentences to individuals.

On Courts urged: Have a heart

Posted 21 May 2020, 9:51 a.m. Suggest removal

RealTalk says...

Check the score. RBDF - 233 & Haitian Vessels - 5,781 The same we grade the National Exams, let's grade the government agencies. For the RBDF keeping our borders safe they get a D- . This is not a shot at Bethel or my Haitian brothers and sisters. These are the facts.

stop illegal boats 2020. stop taking bribes and giving out the maps 2020! patrol the borders more 2020! there should be a defense force boat 10 miles out from inland of the major hotspots: nassau, gb, abaco, exuma, and andros!

These boats should be ten miles away going around the island 24/7. If there are Haitian boats out to sea, leave them! The ocean is too big. When they come closer to land, then you get them. This is chess not checkers folks!

On Commodore handed new role at ministry

Posted 20 May 2020, 2:12 p.m. Suggest removal

RealTalk says...

I applaud the residents of Bimini for asking for a lockdown. But sir what about New Providence? We did not forget what was said last week Thursday. There are only 5,000 test kits (including the kits the Americans brought in). We know due to the lack of test kits, testing can not be done on a wider scale. It is not wise to leave New Providence open for 5 days when you only have the ability of testing 1% of the population.

On Bimini to go under full lockdown

Posted 14 May 2020, 1:53 p.m. Suggest removal

RealTalk says...

I agree. The headlines is misleading

RealTalk says...

I wish we live in a country where corruption wasn't prevalent. A country that allows the haves and have nots to actually find an economic solution without capitalism. A country that never allows violence.

Please get the children therapy and shower them with love.

RealTalk says...

Spot on Malcom

RealTalk says...

So there were 6 others that came into The Bahamas during the emergency order... Clearly the situation with Sands is more than what meets the eye.

The sad part is when I think about the opposition and ask myself; could they do any better? We all should know the answer to that LOL

God help us all

RealTalk says...

Glad they made it safe. But didn't PM Minnis say it will be an option between home isolation and the government facility?

RealTalk says...

Congratulations to the young Queen. I wish you nothing but success in your academics and tennis journey. UAB is a wonderful institution and you will love it. Remember these 5 tips for college:

1. The people you spend most of the time with will have either a positive or negative influence. So choose your friends wisely.

2. When in class, speak to everyone and make study buddies.They become some of your closest friends during your time in college.

3. Read your syllabus! It's very important that you keep in mind the dates for the assignments, Midterm and Final.

4. Have fun and enjoy. Take pictures and record to have memories. The time will fly by quicker than you think.

5. Don't give up...we all failed an assignment, a quiz or a test. Keep going, you can do it.

RealTalk says...

Touché. Thanks for reminding me of that fact. Yes I agree 100% with you.

On PM accepts Sands’ resignation

Posted 4 May 2020, 11:29 p.m. Suggest removal