Comment history

RealTalk says...

Correct me if I'm wrong. Cabinet Ministers (i.e Minister of Health, Minister of Finance), are elected from the **current** members of the HOA and the Senate, correct?

On PM accepts Sands’ resignation

Posted 4 May 2020, 11:15 p.m. Suggest removal

RealTalk says...

I NEVER said he cannot assist. My question to you is..

Who can replace him? Name one person you know in the HOA or Senate who is **more** qualified to lead and speak to the Bahamians about COVID-19....Don't worry I'll wait...

On PM accepts Sands’ resignation

Posted 4 May 2020, 10:58 p.m. Suggest removal

RealTalk says...

Now I'm concerned. Someone please guide and help our PM. You let the smartest man in government go??? Why would you do such a thing? Dr.Duane Sands made a mistake and he admitted to it. BUT the law that Bahamians can not return home should have NEVER been implemented sir.

Dr. Duane ALSO the same man who graduated from the **john hopkins university** and is a Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgeon!

The nerve of someone who got their degree from the university of the west indies!

Not knocking the University of the West Indies...Just saying when you compare those two its like comparing University of The Bahamas to Harvard.....

How can you let go arguably one of the smartest doctors in The Bahamas during a time like this...There is no excuse for it Mr. PM

On PM accepts Sands’ resignation

Posted 4 May 2020, 10:46 p.m. Suggest removal

RealTalk says...

Bimini went weeks without a single case after the first one and then simultaneously announced 3 confirmed cases in 1 day. I hope for the best but will not be sold a dream that we have won the least not yet. More time and more testing will tell the true story.

On Day three with no new cases

Posted 30 April 2020, 1:47 p.m. Suggest removal

RealTalk says...

Are you humane? Where is your heart? Where is your compassion? Do you have a soul?...

RealTalk says...


RealTalk says...

I am all for a complete shutdown for 2 - 4 weeks.

But due to the decisions made by the government, I have to agree. This 2 day weekend shutdown is pointless and just an abuse in POWER. 5 Days Open and 2 Days Closed is the dumbest thing. You are open 71% of the week. 71%.........

stop with the weekend shutdowns if you not going to shut it all the way down

Any person who is looking at the numbers can see that this is pointless. numbers don't lie, people do.

RealTalk says...

I agree lockdowns will not work.

The weekend shutdown will not work unless we shut down for an extended period of time. 2 - 4 weeks. It sound's harsh but that is literally the only option since we don't have enough test kits to test 400,000 people 2 times.

Any household that is infected, must stay home until they retest negative. Which means food must be delivered to them.

BUT then the question is; What will happen to our economy if businesses are closed for that extended period of time? Then one must ask the question...What happens if an additional 100 plus health care workers are placed in quarantine before the first 200 are released?

I hope ALL 200+ health care workers test negative, they need to test negative!

On One new confirmed case of COVID-19

Posted 24 April 2020, 8:20 p.m. Suggest removal

RealTalk says...

"Dr Sands said the remaining 39 patients at the Robert Smith Unit at Sandilands were immediately placed in isolation and the unit was sanitised. Forty-six staff members at Sandilands were identified for risk exposure assessment."

I appreciate the transparency in this situation. This is needed more; especially if some of the people in quarantine are "essential workers". You don't have to give names but, the stores and locations should be public information.

On COVID-19: Two more deaths announced

Posted 23 April 2020, 8:29 p.m. Suggest removal

RealTalk says...

If the rental plan was flawed, PM Minnis should have never mentioned rental assistance. Some landlords were depending on that especially if that's their only source of income.

On Govt in 'conundrum' on rental assistance

Posted 22 April 2020, 3:59 p.m. Suggest removal