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Rinks says...

These union leaders are clueless.None!!!!! None has done anything to help there members during this pandemic. Atlantis will only bring back a very small portion of staff to begin with.
Some but not all will come back in stages.what will happen to the others who are not on the job
after the emergency orders expire???? That hotel has been over staff for many years and they were always looking to lay off many workers.with this pandemic raging out of control there is no way that all 8000 employees are going to be rehired.I am sure Atlantis management has
already had this conversation internally.I pray for the workers in this country. It seems no one is looking out for them .government unions and employers seem to just be kicking the problem down the road hoping it just disappears

Rinks says...

Your math is excellent @ the rate doc and crew going there will be no economy left to open

Rinks says...

where is the hotel union....what is the hotel union
doing for all the hotel employees laid off.what a
Disgrace. Taking in membership dues but over a month
Pass but cant offer no assistance to members.

On 30,000 apply for NIB assistance

Posted 15 April 2020, 9:30 a.m. Suggest removal

Rinks says...

PM you are doing more harm to us by making these last minute announcements.
Now all the stores will be packed and no social distancing.panic buying!!!!!
the PM is clueless!!!!!!!!

Rinks says...

what a disgrace!!@@@ bpl and the government. People cant afford to put food on
Table because there not working..
Government demands insurance companies waive premiums
But BPL has to be paid....whats the difference between these companies
Fools!!!!! Running around as politicians...Privatisation is the way to go

Rinks says...

TALENT and government in the same phrase....Jokes !!!!! There is no talent ...just sell this shitty company....Privatization is the way to go..why hold on to something that is no good and not making money.someone please tell me why

On ‘BPL’s neglect will be fixed’

Posted 20 August 2019, 9:02 a.m. Suggest removal

Rinks says...

This has been going on for far to long in this country.the judges and politicians dont care about this problem. Poorly trained uneducated officers unleashed upon the bahamian public.6 months of basic training at most does not make a police officer and for the most part there superiors dont see any thing wrong with this behavior because they have done the same thing.To top it off they beat you half to death and want you the public to support them afterwards.

Rinks says...

compromise......everyone knew this was going to be the outcome except the union.what a waste of time and energy.the employees will never see 15% gratuity go to them again.some people lost thier jobs over this nonsense and guest what? the company still getting what they want.what terrible leadership.....pat bain must be rolling over in his grave..

Rinks says...

These employees should not be paying the union dues because they cannot afford that either.poor representation by incompetent officials for what .they can't help u when you need them.might as well save that 10 dollars in the bank instead of wasting it

Rinks says...

Just privatized this crappy airline....what are we holding on to this shit for

On Deputy PM hits out at 'corporate sabotage'

Posted 29 December 2014, 1:46 p.m. Suggest removal