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Rinks says...

this looks ridiculous......y someone please tell me why we need all of these officers to escort a man to court who is already handcuffed and shackled.with all this crime going on they can't find anything to do.

Rinks says...

I have been in this union for 27 yrs and I have to say this is the worst leadership team and president the union has ever had.what are, we paying union dues for if they can never help you when you need them.cheaper save that money ( 10 dollars a week ) in the bank.waiting on the government to do what? ...;.everyone knows the union can't do anything about this and the government hands are tied.Anyone heard from Shane Gibson yet? Not a word from him .

Rinks says...

This is a bunch of bullshit I have to go in this place week to week to pay my mortgage back and these damn sorry excuse for leaders can borrow money and don't pay it back.but me the small man has to pay his bill back and also pay their bill back to.this prime minister and the PLP full of shit.cant find money to save the ordinary man and his family but we can pay of our boys loans.bunch of jack asses

On $100 million rescue plan for ailing BOB

Posted 2 November 2014, 11:43 a.m. Suggest removal

Rinks says...

How many more people must die at the hands of the police before action is taken to stop this.Beating someone to death does not solved the problem or crime.Don't know what happen here but it is common knowledge in the Bahamas suspects are beaten and human rights violated while in police custody.What ever happen to due process and innocent until proven guilty.What a disgrace of an organization.

Rinks says...

Just make a national lottery.all profits go to the people of the way to solve this situation.can't have a handful profiting from the numbers racket when we all can.

Rinks says...

This is a bunch of crap.even if you hire someone for one single day you pay national insurance this is not the correct way to calculate how many jobs u have created.majority of the Times the worker is back on the streets in a matter of about those hotel workers who have been working one and two days for almost a year now but the economy is getting better.30000 jobs where...I hope Mr.Gibson don't even believe that BS.

Rinks says...

What a disgrace......just shut up and go retire if it is so bad.But wait you just can't wait to get there to live of the tax payers money.

Rinks says...

No wonder this country can't move forward.this member of parliament should be thinking about the best interest of the people but here he is worrying about the party.what a disgrace.I am just so sick and tired of hearing the garbage that come out of these politicians mouth