Comment history

Romrok says...

Poor man, thought these old heads in power were working for him. Got what you paid for

Romrok says...

Well, if it takes 500,000 to fix a school, you didn't fix much did you. Bunch a liars.

It's like the airport in Abaco, 39 million on a 4 million dollar runway, halfass terminal, and tower.

Where the rest of all these civil contract monies go? And why in civil buildings aire we wasting on steel where most civilized countries do not allow the government to spend on poor building materials, so they can save on maintenance later?

When you stop lying... well, I suppose you will be dead.... ran outta jokes

On Urban Renewal spends $7m on home repairs

Posted 8 September 2015, 8:56 p.m. Suggest removal

Romrok says...


Romrok says...

Sign wit the DNA. I'm sure there are a fair few that will never vote for the 2 crooked parties until there is no other option. He'll in my opinion the plp should be disolved to save the country's face, preferably with all of the MPs and lady ping sent to Haiti without Bahamian status. We can then see if the magic independence party can make lightning strike twice, or will they be killed by people that actually will work for change, and not have it handed to them like us in the Bahamas did.

Romrok says...

*anda i would walk 500 miles, and i would walk 500 more* one man swimming one bag of cold patch at a time from nassau to staniel will take this time.

Victimization, thats all. This is the Bahamas after all, we had a 50nyear head start with Cuba closed and decided to throw it away. I almost wish it will all crumble down just so the rest of us dumb Bahamians will realize that those hams n turkeys at Christmas were a farce.

On Airstrip repairs to take a year

Posted 28 August 2015, 6:07 p.m. Suggest removal

Romrok says...

Oh please, the people love it. Look at it like this, the power is off, BEC crew comes wandering in after 15, maybe 20 hours of outage. Are there normal citizens yelling, screaming, throwing rocks? Nope, here is a bag of fish, fix my power, hey man here is a hundred for fixing me up.

Wake up folk, they part of the problem, not the solution. If you did like that for your boss you would have been fired. These bastards get overtime.

Romrok says...

Well Bacardi left over profitability... too bad for Atlantis, they cant pick up that resort and leave. Another investor swindled out of their money.

On Atlantis job fear over wage rise

Posted 17 August 2015, 3:29 p.m. Suggest removal

Romrok says...

The government of this country is a continuing embarrassment...

Thats it... i cant think of anything else.

On Mitchell to Sarkis: Conform or leave

Posted 4 August 2015, 4:50 p.m. Suggest removal

Romrok says...

This shouldn't even be a referendum, table it and vote it through, stop being so pathetic you lot. You know most of the last 20 odd countries that dont have equal rights are in the area the USA has been lobbing bombs at for the last 15 years?

These damn MPs acting like we (the Bahamas) are so great, yet we use equal rights as a political football. Pass it and be done with this, its pathetic that after 42 years it STILL isnt done.

Romrok says...

People invest in the Bahamas to make money, simple as that, not so you government types can steal their money and make threats. Why the hell would anyone invest here when you just conned a long time resident and tax payer outta $900 mil?