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Romrok says...

You are nuts John, the government cant organize its own books, and you trust our government to be fair in a audit? Delusional comes to mind.

Sarkis could have done such a project anywhere in the world, and worked with governments that want investment and will do anything to help such a thing off the ground. Hell the STATE of Georgia invested $400,000,000 to get Kia to build a plant there to employ like 3200 people.

Our government is the government that says "we are the place, where else will you go". Strong arming investors is not the way to conduct business, and since this is business, why is the government involved? Where is Bacardi now due to our governments greed? Puerto Rico, so it turns out there is other places. I dont see Obama or Cameron meddling in this stuff... The government should issue permits, licences, etc and stay the hell out of it. The man isnt gonna screw us, he wants to make money, so why would he sabotage it.

The question you should ask, is why did he invest here, knowing full well how bloody crooked this country is? God knows how many hands are out for his money every day in government offices, no less these damn MPs.

On CEO wants no hidden agendas

Posted 20 July 2015, 1:40 p.m. Suggest removal

Romrok says...

Wow. I smell convention time in the air...

On American men arrested over fishing haul

Posted 6 July 2015, 3:42 p.m. Suggest removal

Romrok says...

A liar it seems to me. I just wish the people would wake up, but it seems too late. Too busy voting for colours on an MPs shirt and the free turkey or ham as Christmas. We could have been so much better.....

Now we have wasted the years of the blessing of Cuba being closed, and well, they are desperate for greenbacks. Here, offer some Bahamians a dollar, and they scoff at you. A dollar in Cuba, well the stories from some fishermen I know, well it gets x rated.

The corruption has destroyed us.

Romrok says...

Blasted unions, stealing from not only their members but the Bahamian people. It seems that they want cheap services but crazy salaries for their members. Wake up Bahamas, companies need margins for profit and expenses like new investment. Look at BEC, supposed to be running at this rediculus price per kwh, just to cover expenses, but they cant affors to update the systems to give us proper power.
They have a profit margin to make, and if they cant make it here, they will go elsewhere, ala bacardi. We should make our environment for business attractive for investment, that will help make jobs for bahamians, rather than taxing them to somewhere else.
Yes the cost of living is higher, but it doesnt help when our main bills, the stuff that is driving up our costs, are from bloated government companies that are paying too much for labour to buy votes and such.

Times have to change, we are supposed to be world class? Well act like it for a change

Romrok says...

No one is above the law eh? LAIR. Walk into parliament and arrest the lot. Id bet almost all can be charged if the police were allowed to do their job

Romrok says...

Come on folk, its kick Bran time. Why are you nit complaining about this article about him? He is the one voice continuing to keep the heat on this horrible issue where the government of the Bahamas has thrown its citizens under the bus again. AGAIN!!!

Romrok says...

Lol. Absolute last thing needed, bran going "home", we need a party of businessmen, you know those guys, that make money, and know what is required for a good business environment. Not a bunch of lawyers, damn theives. Hell my lawyer wont pickup his pen without 400 dollars in his hand. They doesnt have a clue on what hard work is.

Stop backing the same old theives that started 45 years ago. We need new younger blood, ones that can turn on a computer is a good start for our old backwards looking country.

Hey, isnt papa a bulldog nowadays? I never heard anyone say he was a team player.

I come from an FNM family, but i feel as a young bahamian, i have been screwed by both parties in my voting time. Time for change, no traditional pingdomite parties, something fresh, something to prove. If the DNA got power, they would make great change, to start for one reason, they wanna get back in. The fnm and plp been trading places for fun as part of deals the leaders make in greycliff and such, depending on how broke which political family is.

Try this, change the names and colours of the plp and fnm, see how the votes come in.

Romrok says...

Pre election, kinda like the immigration stuff that we dont hear much about now.

Romrok says...

Sounds good too me, too many civil servants getting a free ride on our backs. When that much of the budget is on a bloated service to buy votes, we cant invest monies where we need to to improve the country. Make them work for a living, see how they do with a private sector salary based on performance rather than union/government theifing.

Romrok says...

Haha. Liar, and they would put him in power again.