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Romrok says...

Lol, goes like this. Your foreign company runs in the red to lower power rates, and take all blame for sabotage and power failure. You have to run the company the same way as the government did. Hire to buy votes, bloat the company, and bow to the unions every request for more money and less work, and like it that they get paid so much while fellow bahamians starve. When in the Bahamas... do as.

On BEC managerial talks start today

Posted 14 May 2015, 4:41 p.m. Suggest removal

Romrok says...

this whole deal is a joke. Its so the government can secure votes after the fact because now its a foreign company that is causing the problems with BEC. Everyone knows Power Secure has to run it like the government did - not firing people for crap work and such - or they wouldn't have the job.

One day these dumb fools will realize we need bec to turn a profit so it has capital to repair and improve... but these are lawyers running government, they only know howto steal from poor people1

On Miller in the dark over BEC transition

Posted 11 May 2015, 9:21 p.m. Suggest removal

Romrok says...

Hey, make it illegal for lawyers to be politicians. They wont pick up a pen for less tha 400 bucks, how can you expect them to make a sensible economy? They just steal money for a living. How about real business owners, they might know the best way to help business grow, and grow the economy at the same time. But no. Lets have these Pingdomites that cant even turn on their own computer tell us how the modern Bahamas should be run. And tax further a dead economy.

On Political 'dinosaurs' are here to stay

Posted 11 May 2015, 8:38 p.m. Suggest removal

Romrok says...

So, charging a dollar a month service charge on a savings account is ok, but having to take off your shades is causing you issue? I was taught to remove your hat and shades indoors, respect for others n all that. My fight is with banks over footwear, but I comply to save stress. If you cant walk around without shades, maybe you should have an arrangement for someone else to do your banking for you.

Romrok says...

Fire the lot. They are part of the problem. There is no point in hiring outside management if the government makes them run it like before. BEC has to cut costs and build capital to keep going. But we all know what this is about, its so the government can blame foreigners rather than have everyone blame them for BEC.

Should have sold it out right and be done with it. Then we couldnt blame you, the government of the Bahamas.

Romrok says...

Well stop being so fool if you want folk to work in this country. real business has a profit margin to make, for the company, stakeholders, and such. STOP making it so difficult to make money in this country. They have X amount to make, so if we dont give them the environment, they will go elsewhere, so bloodywell make this place the place to be for business. Jesus help us with this lot. A buncha lawyers that dont know work, prolly get paid 400 bucks before they pickup they pen. No wonder things move so slow, its a lawyer milking to death.

Romrok says...

Dorsett. You are an embarrassment.

On Dorsett: I will not resign

Posted 23 April 2015, 12:29 p.m. Suggest removal

Romrok says...

Heh. Standard stuff. Government harping on about jobs, and they cant hire folk to do honest work on these things? The forts and public buildings all need constant maintenance and security. I figure it has to do with history, colonial history, and that isnt worth it to them. One day they will realize that we have such a history and celebrate it rather than demolish it.

Romrok says...

He should have stepped down before it got to this point, the investigation still should have been done, but out of respect for the rule of law and the Bahamian people, he should have stepped down. No respect at all. Along with the rest of them, tarnishing our parliament with their corruption.

Romrok says...

A bahamian higher up caught up in foolishness, such a rare occasion. I think he should step down to show respect here and abroad for the Bahamas. Will he? Hell no, the kickbacks are too good, to hell with the poor people that pay for him.