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Romrok says...

It is nitpicking, but this is serious in and of itself, and this is the bottom of it, the whole damn system is like that. Right up to the PM seat. Dont start the whote westminister system crap, same deal in the UK and a minister would stand down. the bahamas makes this that corrupt. I aint gonna punish my cousin, brother, 15th removed sister. Give uhm a job on the backs of the rest that didnt think it was a good idea to leave school and go into the civil service.
i would think under the laws of the UK westminister system, nearly all of our mps would be removed and arrested. Stop blaming the white man, chase the people that are bound by these rules that the normal bahamian doesnt know.

Romrok says...

Fire them all, import folk if you have to. Loads of folk want work, teach these unions a lesson.

Romrok says...

Amen. Once the masses realize that the turkey and ham at Christmas isnt worth the hell they put us through, then we shall rise. Be honorable, resign, at least hold up that part of our westminister system. Then change shall follow.

Romrok says...

Yup. Cut into their profits with taxes, they simply leave for another place with less tax. Might make more money if you taxed less and encouraged business. Too bad a lawyer and not a businessman runs the country.


Posted 27 March 2015, 2:31 p.m. Suggest removal

Romrok says...

Collect the tax, thats good. BUT, I know if 18 large bits of land for sale in my area now, all foreign owned. They all selling cause the government keeps hiking the rates. Cant sell because bahamians cant afford and foreign folk arent gonna pay the tax rates. When will these fool governments realize that these folk are running from the states and such to get away from high taxes. If we are charging too much tax, they go elsewhere, like American manufacturing. Might aswell be cheap enough that they come here and spend some money.

Stop listening to these poly (many) tic(fat blood sucking parasites) ans. We need foreigners, we need investment in something other than tourism. We also do not need to squeeze every last penny out of these foreigners, they do expect to make money on their investment, thats why they invest. If you dont allow them make their money, again, they will go somewhere where they will make what they expect, so give them a reason to be here rather than elsewhere.

No one except for cronies seem to get anything back for their taxes, ie kickbacks. Terrrible police, horrible slow customs, staff cutting they eye at you in government offices, horrible roads that should be edged for long life, slackness in cleaning our airports and, well, Bahamas Air. D average schooling, everyone that should be locked up out on bail, ports falling apart (Abaco), BEC. Tell me what we get back for all the money we put in? Expect for the chosen that get jobs and life pension on the backs of the people? How about letting more manufacturing via foreigners in to put more to work? Then use the private sector to sort out the excess of civil servants?

Stop using my taxes to slow the unemployment rate. Bahamians, stop selling yourselves for a ham or turkey at Christmas.

Romrok says...

Most logical thing he has said yet. Dismiss all the staff and sell the whole thing. Have the new company train staff that actually want to work.

On Miller wants BEC privatised

Posted 23 March 2015, 1:43 p.m. Suggest removal

Romrok says...

Lawyers, preachers, and politicans, can not trust, any of dem...

On PM: All BAMSI contracts insured

Posted 19 March 2015, 4:29 p.m. Suggest removal

Romrok says...

Fine. But a back track on BEC now is to do with votes by order of the party and not the fact that it probably is a worker issue.

On The many gaffes of Leslie Miller

Posted 18 March 2015, 1:54 p.m. Suggest removal

Romrok says...

Why should a government official be in charge of a Corp anyway? They are lawyers, don't pick up their pen for less than 400 bucks, they don't understand how to run a business. Get some businessmen / women MPs and they will know how to make money. Enough to steal and keep the country viable, unlike these lawyers who steal and destroy the economy enough to cut off their own noses.

On FNM slams ‘crisis of leadership’

Posted 18 March 2015, 1:19 p.m. Suggest removal

Romrok says...

Yup. Buying votes rather than fixing a problem. Sell BEC and don't allow government near them!!

On Davis backs BEC staff over Miller

Posted 18 March 2015, 12:57 p.m. Suggest removal