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Romrok says...

Look at that, a union threatening the people. It's an amazing thing. BEC gives us crap and everyone complains, but when you see them on the road, instead of cussing them, it's hey friend here is an amazing fish bribe, get my power on when you can. I would have thought after crap service, customer service hanging up on you, power outages that destroy our tourism, that BEC workers would be scared to wear they uniform in the streets for sake of trouble. But nope, they march around like they own the country. Fire them all, there are too many without work that would love to do it without a union to rip everyone off. Do these union fools realize they robbing they friends and family for dollars they don't deserve? Yup, and their friends and family should be angry about it.

On BEC union call to fire Miller

Posted 17 March 2015, 1:49 p.m. Suggest removal

Romrok says...

Sell BEC out right. Government would do better without public corps to use to for votes. Don't say anything about national security, that crap is old, we ain't the USA. Private companies run businesses to make money, not shutdown a little place like us.

Remember folks, New Zealand government doesn't own these companies, they get elected by working for the people to improve the country, not by using the public purse to bribe people to their side.

Romrok says...

I lived there from a baby until a few years ago, and traveled that road to school. We always said it was suicide to drive that road at 8:15 AM (loads of those "officers" speeding because they late) and 4:45 in the afternoon (cause they gotta leave work early to beat traffic, they government, they get paid whether they work or not) They, not all defence force, would rocket up and down Coral Harbour road to and from the base Monday to Friday. Go to the base, look at the go fast cars, they the guys to keep an eye on.

While they watching, they can check that police patrol car that likes to hang out at the bar on the beach instead of patrolling.

Romrok says...

I believe he should have an award, be honoured for his service. An amazing person, I would hate to have been in his position, I would not have made the best decisions I'm sure.

Romrok says...

Surely. Everyone waiting for family to bring it from the states now. So much for promoting Bahamian business. I'm glad it's the PLP doing this and the new tax, the beginning and the end from that name. Mind you I don't trust many that came from the Independence era, they all been in it together upto now.

Romrok says...

My thoughts about this is simple. They teifin. They have inflated the prices of civil projects for years to cover kickbacks. Been happening so long folk believe it is just expensive. Look at the airport in Abaco, a 9 million dollar building that cost 39. Where did the money go? I would be happy if they spent the money to minimize maintenance, fiberglass rebar rather than steel, etc, like many other governments, but they still buying votes. Pathetic. You would think them MPs had pride, well they do, but not where it's required, in the country.

They should all be arrested for treason.


Romrok says...

Find more money. Government pissing away money on kickbacks all the time. They can find the money. Shut down these illegals.

On Ministry out of money for repatriations

Posted 17 February 2015, 5:58 p.m. Suggest removal

Romrok says...

Heh. They are thieves. After my mother passed away, we could not get answer on if she had other accounts. At one bank we had an employee tell us, which I'm told they are not supposed to tell you, that she had accounts we didn't know she had. 6 years later with lawyers fighting the bank, we got nearly 30 grand in money that they decided to hide from us.
how about the "not enough money in account fee"? So many Bahamian folk are living had to mouth, but they have to keep more than 500 in the bank or they take 5 dollars a month service fee? I thought the bank paid you for your money.
I got the notice a few weeks ago that commonwealth is charging a dollar a month for a savings account, how the hell does that work? I had 600 some odd dollars in my savings I've had for years there. 75 cents for interest, and a dollar a month savings fee.
It really is better now to keep your money in the mattress, the banks aren't helping anymore. They have forgotten that they are supposed to pay me for them using my money, not them taxing me for using my money.

Makes me wonder how Christmas savings accounts work now...

On Why let banks treat us this way?

Posted 9 February 2015, 7:39 p.m. Suggest removal

Romrok says...

See. Something important and they still hide the truth. I bet it's a nice deal between the government and the union. Why can't you say what will be done? I'll say the same I always say about bahamas air, for how much I've put into the government in tax, I should get free flights. Then I can justify the miserable stewardess being nasty to me on the flight.

Romrok says...

Lol. Didn't I read this before election ? Same garbage over n over.