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Rontom says...

Clearly, the plp understood the not-too-subtle hint by Sarkis about 'the Bahamian people will decide' at the polls... Guaranteed, they are working on campaign finance reform but know that it will hurt them too...and doubly know that whatever is given to the plp to campaign with, could be matched and doubled to be given to the fnm. The fireworks have just begun.

Rontom says...

I don't know banker, but it appears that once winding up is applied and sanctioned by the courts, nothing can stop it

Rontom says...

I believe Dr. Neville's approach (which I agree with ) is approaches to the problem on multiple levels using evidence-based methods. If we used the disease model you might see how this works. The idea is to prevent the illness (universal preventive intervention) that's like vaccinations given to newborns to prevent disease from happening. Of course, there are persons who are more susceptible to illness than other and so implement a Targeted-preventive intervention for at-risk "newborns." Second, is for those who may already have the illness, the goal is to cure and prevent severe disabling outcomes and so it requires Early Detection of the illness and more effective ways of treatment and appropriate intervention to prevent recurrence and/or disability. Third, for those who are already suffering from disease, then the approach is to maximize and optimize their health as is feasible.

Now some hard facts, Most crimes by or involving children take place between the hours of 3pm and 6:30pm. A growing number of parents work on shift system and some children as a result of this are left unsupervised by an adult. After-school programs that are structured around homework assistance, hobbies, science clubs etc. have been shown to increase a child's school performance by a full grade. Children enrolled in afterschool program are more likely to graduate from high school, less likely to skip school.

Community Centers should be built and operated on a multi-disciplinary approach-- a bio-psycho-social model: in other words everything impacting on the life of the child. Therefore, it needs and social worker, a therapist/counsellor, mentors, tutors, occupational therapist, a clinical psychologist, a recreational therapist and a psychiatrist. A child exposed to this environment learns social skills that are wholesome and positively reinforced, develops self-esteem which lessens his/her chances of joining a gang or for a girl less likely to become pregnant. Community centers for children develop life skills in a child.

I can go on but I think if we were to start there, we might end up in a good place

Rontom says...

What you might find more disturbing is that peptic ulcer is caused by an infection; sickle cell disease by a switch of protein; or tapeworm cause frank psychosis (neurocysticercosis) The fact is, its very well established since its discovery the neurotoxic effects of lead. What Dr. Neville is positing is perhaps a correlation between lead/plastics and criminality... Who knew the lunar effects on tidal waves?

On A LIFE OF CRIME: The first five years

Posted 6 February 2015, 9:04 a.m. Suggest removal

Rontom says...

The short answer is No we are not. But I believe you know this as well. It is pervasive because in this town, accountability is a rare breed. But to stay on topic, giving Power to the people is the answer. There is a reason for local sheriffs in other territories and developed countries: decentralizing federal government and creating provincial government. The results, communities determining their own safety and security. I can see why this is a bad idea for the all too important RBPF that always feel threatened and prescient on everything big and small. I even get why this would scare the bejesus out of the MP because his beak is not being dipped in every saucer anymore (to use a Godfather reference) and the community are closer to affecting change in real time with real consequences than what we have now and that makes him/her rather redundant.

On Four dead, four injured in drive-by shooting

Posted 29 December 2013, 8:30 a.m. Suggest removal

Rontom says...

One community at a time--money is the great incentive. Approach it on multiple levels: List the names and print photos and address of ALL suspected gang members/drug dealers/street soldiers warning the public of their whereabouts, recent activities, their associates and place most commonly found. Update this list weekly. Scratch the Urban Renewal Sites and make them Headquarters for Leaders in the Community giving them powers to that of a Local Constable with deputies assigned to that office from the community. Arm this person and the deputies and give them powers and authorities to keep the peace within the confines of The Law. Powers that include, shutting down liquor stores that are opened illegally, stopping block parties after hours, patrolling the designated areas, all of these things the RBPF are supposed to be doing but are not. Donate $1 a day to the community that reports the longest period without crime i.e. letting people police themselves. incentivize the community members to spy on their neighbors. Identify all illegal drugs "hot spots" and persons frequenting the area and target the area with continuous patrolling. There are a few more things I would suggest but if we could start with the above which really does not cost a DIME of Public Funds, we could make a difference

On Four dead, four injured in drive-by shooting

Posted 28 December 2013, 2:28 p.m. Suggest removal

Rontom says...

Astute. Clear. Precise. Agree.

Rontom says...

So not new

Rontom says...

Yes, you are correct: we are exactly on that road: there is a legal way to punish your child(ren). You may not deprive your child of protected Rights and call it your punishment. It is regrettable to have this play out as it has in the Courts where nobody wins.

On Archbishop speaks out over lawsuit

Posted 30 June 2013, 12:36 p.m. Suggest removal

Rontom says...

As an Anglican and a fellow SJC graduate, and knowing the inner workings of the Synod, I can tell you that the ubrupt cancellation of the ceremony was a mistake. You are condemning all of these with extreme prejudice. I can tell you that the Church is not perfect (less we go down that road again where it was found complicit in the abuse of children by their very own). The point is sir, we live in a country under the Rule of Law, not of Man, nor of Religion. And as Bishop Gomez said, everyone has Rights.

On Archbishop speaks out over lawsuit

Posted 30 June 2013, 10:22 a.m. Suggest removal