Comment history

SandsMarco says...

Really concerned citizen?
Atlantis has released statements, Bahmar has released statements long before PGC was in the equation.
What is your next excuse to justify discrimination:

******→→→→→→→→→→August 4, 2009←←←←←←←←←←***

By candia dames ~ Guardian News Editor ~

With the Atlantis Resort & Casino suffering a downturn in business, President and Managing Director of Kerzner International Bahamas Ltd. George Markantonis told Guardian Business he would be open to the idea of locals being able to gamble at the property.
But Markantonis said he realizes the idea is a controversial one.
He said Kerzner International fully supports a list of recommendations made to the government by The Bahamas Hotel Association (BHA) to ease stringent requirements on gaming. The proposal, however, does not call for the government to make it legal for Bahamians to gamble in local casinos. The association has asked the government to widen the net of people who can gamble legally, including permanent residents and people on short term work permits.
Markantonis said there is a need for an urgent review of the regulations to make The Bahamas a more competitive gaming jurisdiction.
"There were some recommendations made and we contributed to those recommendations," he said in a recent interview at his Paradise Island office. "I think any new segments of potential business that could be opened up would be useful for the casinos, whether it's permanent residents or legal residents or whether it's all Bahamian citizens. It is a complicated and controversial subject. I'd like to see more people allowed to game in the local casinos, but I realize there are two sides to this story, or certainly two opinions."
He said Atlantis has been hurt substantially by gaming in Florida and Pennsylvania.
"The minute that table games were allowed to be installed at the Seminole Indian casinos, the Hard Rock Casinos in Florida, and gaming was added into all the race tracks in Florida, it certainly impacted us here because people from Florida who used to come down every weekend for a little fling, now instead of every weekend maybe they'd come once every two months because it's easier to just drive from their house down the street, so we've really been impacted there," Markantonis said.
He said that in some cases the recommendations made by the BHA would be just enough to keep the casino at Atlantis operating on an even keel.
"You have big jurisdictions like Atlantic City that are suffering very, very, badly. In their case, in Atlantic City, also because they have been tied down with very stringent regulations and frankly they've strangled the industry," Markantonis said.
The Kerzner president's statements were similar to statements made to The Guardian in late May by Baha Mar CEO Sarkis Izmirlian, whose development company also backs the BHA proposal***

SandsMarco says...

concernedcitizen: thank you ,i just get so tired after 39 years of independance of some of us blaming everything on the white man ,it removes us from personal responsibilty ,why did we strive for independance if we still want to blame all our woes on white people ,,its 2012 america has a black president ,come on enough with the shackles and chains rhetoric ..

***Marco Sands:
As you said to Mr. John Brown, I will ask the same of you, “maybe this can end this back and forth” seeing that there is no need to blame anything on anyone based on whatever occurred in the past and we are moving forward on a clean slate Forward Upward Onward & Together, do you concernedcitizen have any issue what so ever with all ethnic groups of all nationalities equally having the right to play in any casino of choice in the Bahamas once the individuals are over 18 years old and “”Disciplined”?
I truly would like to know your answer?***

SandsMarco says...

Pfunkf: c citizen,you are a strong and truly patient the way u keep from alowing them to hide behind pityfull corney talk about black vs white.keep freedom indipendent speech alive.

**Mr. Marco Sands:
Freedom, really? If you Pfunkf possess/require a permit to engage in gainful occupation to make money in the Bahamas under the provisions of any statute regulating immigration, is the holder of a permanent residence certificate granted under any statute regulating immigration, is ordinarily a resident in the Bahamas, is engaged in any business or profession, is employed for gain, is in the employment of the government of the Bahamas, go into a casino in the Bahamas and insert your money into a slot machine and then see how much freedom you have, come back and let us know seeing that you believe in freedom existing with the present laws.
Also, all Bahamians of all ethnic groups are equally discriminated?
Why post comments if you have clearly not read what was written above?**

SandsMarco says...

Concernedcitizen: thank you ,it is not a colour issue ,it is a behaivor issue !!!!and to you john brown i support fish hactheries ..but its not just the poachers ,im out there ,,what about us skinning up all those baby conch behind chub cay ,what about us getting crawfish out of season and saying i,m just taking for a meal .multiply that times 5000 people ands thats alot of crawfish that don,t breed ,,what about us putting a bunch of inner city boys on the defence force that come down the cays port to port ,under land while the hatians are 12 miles out on the bank ,,,,quite taking everything back to racism or our youth will have an excuse to never be responsible ....

**Mr. Marco Sands: “,it is not a colour issue”

“white people aren,t dumb they can tell when we don,t like them and our smiling in their face just for their money ..”

with out those rich white that come here for our beaches etc

there was not white person with in miles of us

white bahamians and white folk

its too bad u don,t like white people

,there is more black on black killing ,maming ,chop off feet and hands

there are good white people and bad white people ,as there are good black people and bad black people

.it has nothing to do with the white man

blaming everything on the white man

blame all our woes on white people

america has a black president

Again, this discussion has nothing to do with the issue with colour, amazing.
All human beings of all Ethnic Groups, Gender & Nationality which have all been addressed in this topic of discussion should be treated equally, no blame on any ethnic group, equal treatment for all.
The fact that one still agrees one should be discriminated for any reason (in this case, Country of Citizenship) is wrong no matter who one may try to create numerous identities to agree with one self one a blog or to try to divert attention away from the subject at hand or ones attempt to categorize all Bahamians as being “Fighting Animals” to distract from the right of equality being afforded to “Disciplined Bahamians” it’s truly sad to know justifying discrimination for one’s own self-gratification still exists but that’s a part of life.
You will always have people who believe in right and people who believe in wrong however for the sake of humanity, wright will always prevail, if that were not the case, the world would have been in a much worse state today.
I am a Proud Bahamian, I am no Lesser or no Greater than a non-Bahamian. Myself and every other Bahamian should be treated individually by the content of our own individual character rather than classing all Bahamians into on box.**

SandsMarco says...

Proudloudandfnm: Man Sands Marco!?!?!? Bro where do you live!?!?!? Can't possibly be the Bahamas!! I am Bahamian and I state without hesitation that our young and middled aged men are not to be trusted, there are way too many that are for lack of a better word, animals! Keep them out of the casinos and yes out of anywhere our tourists congregate. You cannot ignore our reality, our young men (and some of our women too) are not adult, they are not trust worthy, they'd rather fight than f-ck. No sir we cannot white wash the fact that the Bahamas has an extraordinary crime problem and that it is a result of the actions of our young men! TIme for strict measures, time for some serious zero tolerance laws, time to lock these young men up for a long time.

****Mr. Marco Sands: I have lived in the Bahamas all my life, been to every major family island in the Bahamas, I bleed 242 however where & when has it been disputed on my part that there are no “un-Diciplined” Bahamians in the Bahamas?
Just as “Disciplined” persons are not limited to any Country, “Un-Discipline” persons are not limited to any Country either.
Why would anyone want an “un-Disciplined person/s” in a casino or any other business regardless of their nationality?
My question is do you want “un-Discipline Non-Bahamians” in the casino?
Is that what you want because your statement clearly shows that you have no concern for “un-Disciplined Non-Bahamians” in the casinos.
Simple, any person of any nationality who is “Discipline” and over 18 should have the right to play in a casino due to their “Disciplined” nature rather than banning a “Disciplined” human being because of their nationality.
My question to you (even though your user name describes how much of an extravert you are which is a good thing once done responsibly, are you proudandloudfnm a “Disciplined” Bahamian?
If your answer is yes, should you be banned from every business and/or every tourist area as a “Disciplined” Bahamian because some other “un-Disciplined” Bahamian person?
On the other hand, if your answer is no, please disregard?
What is your answer?
Should we all become hermits, have the terrorists won?
Should we shut all the business down in the Bahamas and tell the tourists not to come to the Bahamas?
Are the police, defense force, security guards wasting their times since we need to keep Bahamians isolated from the rest of the world since your statement does not say “Some” but rather “our young and middled aged men are not to be trusted, there are way too many that are for lack of a better word, animals”?
While at it, I will again ask are you included in the group of Bahamians who you refer to as being “Fighting Animals”?
Can you provide the stats indicating out of the 300 thousands plus Bahamian Citizens, how many are what you refer to as “Fighting Animals” and on the other hand, provide that stats that indicate how much Bahamian Citizens are “Disciplined” seeing that you have the answer?**

SandsMarco says...

Concernedcitizen: funny not one reply about women being second class citizens in thier own bahamas ,but a bunch of bad whitey nonsense ,in a hundred years with the races mixing and the latin migration we wil all be brown ....wheres the outcry about women being second class citizens in our Bahamaland ????????????????????????/?oh i forgot we voted to keep it that way ,one of only a hand full of countries in the world that still discreminate againts women in that way

**Mr. Marco Sands: You say we. Incorrect, you voted to keep it that way, I voted for equality for Bahamian Women & Bahamian Men just as I would vote for equality for all Bahamians and all non-Bahamians as it relates to the gaming laws of the Bahamas. Again, you chose to lump all Bahamians in the same box, every Bahamian is not the same, there are “Disciplined Bahamians” and there are “un-Disciplined Bahamians”, there are Bahamians who feel all Bahamians should be treated equally with non-Bahamians (me included) whereas there are others who feel Bahamians should “Not” be treated equally with non-Bahamians, (yourself, robert sands and all other names I already mentioned included) that is fact, it’s unfortunate but again, that is fact. How can you agitate on one hand against discrimination and then agitate for discrimination on the other hand, your comments are very contradictory.**

SandsMarco says...

concernedcitizen: the people enslaved in africa in the middle east now are enslaved by people of their own skin color where is the outcry ,young boys enslaved and then loaded down with uzi,s to kill one another ,where is the out cry ,,,,Mr Sands spoke the truth ,because of our behaivour we are not wanted in the casino,s has nothing to do with the white man ,lets stop blaming him for everything and take responsibilty for our own behaivour

**Mr. Marco Sands: What white man, what are you talking about? I am a black Bahamian man who does not have the right to go into the casino because of my country of citizenship just as every other ethnic group who are also Bahamian citizens. You’re the one who brought “White” into this discussion by stating “also remeber white bahamians and white folk here on a work permit can not gamble either .do we want police w/ uzi,s at the door turning a way the likes of diie stubbs etc”
Does your statement mean all white persons share the same mentality of an alleged criminal who’s name you chose to share?
Does your statement mean all black persons share the same mentality of an alleged criminal who’s name you again chose to share?
The fact is as I stated earlier, there is a greater number of black persons living in the Bahamas thus a greater number of black Bahamians are being affected that any other ethnic group, that is fact and has nothing to do with blaming another ethnic group.
What is your point, yet you are stating that “it has nothing to do with the white man ,lets stop blaming him for everything and take responsibilty for our own behaivour”
Since you are 100% sure on who to blame, which race is at fault for all the right in the world and all the wrong in the world concernedcitizen, what is it you are trying to say?
My answer, no race is greater responsible, every race is equally responsible for the state of this planet.**

SandsMarco says...

we pratice discriminate everday in this country ,women can not pass their citizenship as men can ,,where is the out cry ,,none,, in a referendum we the people voted to continue to to treat women as second class citizens ...jb we have self rule the bay syreet boys are a minor part of our society ,the power brokers now are Wilsons ,Williams,T Wells ,the Davis ,Finlynsons ,,etc ,,all the baystreet boys do now is run business and pay thier national insurance if they didn,t the people would picket them in mass ,can u imagine the Kellys pulling what the two consecutive owners of city market did ,B sands ,J fritzgerald and then B tiger ..if we are so sanctified because of discrimination that happened years ago how come all the trade guys ,i,m a carpenter too ,on the island i live rather work for foriegners cuase we know we will get paid ,,,if you want to know about world history ,there is more black on black killing ,maming ,chop off feet and hands ,in africa now in one year then went on in ten years of the slave trade .presently in the middle east and africa there are 20 million people inslaved againts their will ,the whole slave trade in the 1800 was 10 to 12 million people ..there are good white people and bad white people ,as there are good black people and bad black people ....

**Mr. Marco Sands:
Let me make this clear, discrimination is wrong, whether it be against Bahamian Citizens not being allowed to gamble in the casinos in the Bahamas, whether it be in a case of a married woman who was born in the Bahamas who has a child for her non-Bahamian husband in which the child is born outside of the Bahamas resulting in that child automatically taking the citizenship of the father and “Not” the Bahamian citizenship of his mother until that child applies for citizenship after the age of 18, it is also wrong for robert sands and yourself to promote discrimination against my uncle from being able to play in the very same casino that you and robert sands feel my aunt-in-law should be able to play in just because she is a legal foreign resident, at the end of the day, the very same persons who you promote a message to discriminate for their benefit will still negatively affect them, case and point, under the present laws, my aunt-in-law who was a tourist has also now been banned by law from playing in a casino because she is married to my Bahamian uncle. It’s also good to know (sad, but still good to know) that you would rather work for foreigners who will pay you as Bahamians will not pay you, very good to know. Yet you focus on “there are more Black Killings, Maming, Choping of Feet & Hands” and then state ..there are good white people and bad white people, as there are good black people and bad black people ...., what does this have to do with “Disciplined Bahamian Citizens of all ethnic backgrounds” having the right to play in a casino in the Bahamas?**