Comment history

SandsMarco says...

Concernedcitizen: please becuase i have a different opinion than you stop questioning if i am a bahamian or not............................i was refering to izmerlian saying all bahamians should be allowed to gamble .that is not what he said ....if we are still around in 20 yrs look me up and we,ll discuss if the resorts have become more open to us or not ..................

**Mr. Marco Sands: Did you not read the article, Mr. Izmirlian clearly stated he supports legal gambling for Bahamians and said he would welcome Bahamians gambling in the Crystal Palace Casino at Cable Beach in addition to stating that he agrees some of the other resorts have turned their backs a little bit on Bahamians and some didn't even use the word Bahamas in their advertising. He also states that his operation is different from that; not only did we embrace the design and culture, but we want Bahamians to come in our resort. You clearly have not read everything in detail that the head of Bahmar has said. Where does Sarkis Izmirlian state he does not want Bahamians to gamble in the casino like how is employee robert sands clearly otherwise opposed?**

SandsMarco says...

concernedcitizen: i,m a realist ,its not going to happen ,we will follow the norm of the other countries in our region ,where the resorts are more and more basically closed shops for the guest ,,less and less cash on premises and more just room charge /credit cards cuts down on thievery ..our leadfrs will go along with it if they want to continue to provide jobs for us ,but you can believe what ever you want .money and the market drive life not idealogy ..i live on a family island ,the guest that have been coming here for years are now renting homes from foriegn home owners ,,they say the pricess in the boutique hotels combined with the bad service is not worth it ...thats called supplie and demand ,you think any gov gonna chase them off or tell the foriegners don,t build homes to rent ,,sh,,t then we will be back to eating grunts grits and gravey 3 times a day..when we had our dope money round here you think any of use built senseble homes we good rent to foriegners ,,no we bought cars ,gold ,built ill designed tasteless homes ..we are no more special or no more blessed than any other soul on this planet,,,

**Mr. Marco Sands:
Incorrect, where are you getting your information from concerned citizen? The Bahamas is the only Country in this Hemisphere in which its own citizens of all ethnic groups are “Not” allowed to play in the casinos? I challenge you to prove where in the gaming acts of these countries including Aruba, The Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Curacao, Martinique, St Marten, the US Virgin Islands, Guadeloupe, St. Kitts – Nevis, St. Lucia, St Vincent – Grenadines, Trinidad – Tobago & the Turks – Caicos where hundreds of casinos are located, ban their citizens like the Bahamas does? Locals in all of these countries have the same rights to access every sector of the resorts just as the tourists do. Bahamians also have access to every sector of the hotels in the Bahamas as guest of the local resorts (and in many cases when they are not guests) “EXCEPT” for casino gaming, not due to the hotel policies but due to the law. In addition, it is a known fact that there are more opportunities throughout the year where Bahamians receive better rates to stay in the local resorts than tourists.
Who is going to deny that hotel operations are not in the business to target tourists? No one. In addition, the later portion of your above statement was never disputed on my part, the world will always function on Supply & Demand, that’s Economics, that’s Commerce but I do not see what that has to do with a “Disciplined Bahamian” having the right to play in a casino in the Bahamas which is the subject of discussion?**

SandsMarco says...


On SandsMarco

Posted 14 July 2012, 12:43 a.m. Suggest removal

SandsMarco says...


It is obvious that when you say you cant go, it due to you not being allowed to play just as robert sands makes it clear that he speaks of all of us Bahamians as a whole.

Also, what does the police being on the streets arresting persons they suspect have to do with a casino.

The police have the right to interrogate anyone they suspect, that is not limited to the Bahamas, that occurs everywhere, when I was in Charlotte, I was a passenger in a car that was pulled over by a black police officer who made it clear that he suspected us of leaving the scene of an accident but it was discovered shortly there after that we were not the offenders.

That’s the job of the police but what does that have to do with a “discipline bahamian citizen” having the right to gamble in a casino in the Bahamas?

Since you concerned citizen want to make a point as it relates to the races that are affected:

Ethnic groups: African 85%, European 12%, Asian and Hispanic 3%.[1]

That is the ethnic break down of the Bahamian Citizenry. You say Whites that reside here or who are on a work permit here cannot gamble too, that is obvious, however, ethnic group of Bahamians makes up the majority of persons directly affected by the ban against Bahamian casino gaming?

SandsMarco says...

How can Mr. Sands agitate for my Aunt-In Law who is a legal foreign resident to have the right to play in a casino but yet, her husband (a disciplined bahamian citizen) that’s runs his business in GB with over 100 employees working for him, who pays his taxes, always donates to the community, proudly pays NIB and most of all, has a clean police record cannot go in the same casino his wife can.

What kind of nonsense is that?

Again, you may think that by only discriminating against “disciplined bahamian citizens” only they will be affected but no, when a legal foreign resident or another visitor working on a short term permit decides to exercise their right and marry the Bahamian person they love, they are automatically disqualified from playing in the casino as long as they are married to the Bahamian. On the other hand, robert sands is now going to say that my aunt in law should have a right to play in a casino but my uncle should not?

If you don’t believe me, read the Lottery & Gaming Act Chapter 387, here is the link below:

(d) being the husband or wife of any such person as
is mentioned in paragraph (b) or (c) of this
shall take part in gaming to which this Part applies on any
premises in respect of which licences under this Act are for
the time being in force, and any such person who takes part
in gaming as aforesaid is guilty of an offence and liable to
a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars:
Provided that taking part in gaming…

In addition, Mr. Izmirlian is still Mr. Sands superior whether you want to accept it or not.
As for Mr. Strachan, I can only imagine what you have gone through personally.

I cannot relate as I have never directly received clear cut discrimination due to my skin colour but on the other hand, if I were to walk into a casino in the Bahamas right now with my friends from Haiti or Jamaica that visit when we have our insurance seminars, I would experience first hand discrimination not due to my skin color but due to the fact that I am a Bahamian in my own country.


In addition, it is obvious by your statement that if a friend or relative asked you to go in the casino to play with them, obviously that would be a waste of time because you would have to stand there as if you are in time out like a big child because not only can you not sit at the tables, you cannot say a word to the dealers or other players without being escorted of the property.

SandsMarco says...

You can try your endeavour best concernedcitizen to justify segregation and discrimination against all Bahamian citizens but at the end of the day you are wrong concerned citizen.

Firstly, no worries John Brown, there are billions of people in the world who agree that discrimination and segregation is wrong and your additional comments are again spot on.

As it relates to you concerned citizen, you say robert sands never said all Bahamians, Really?

Where in the article does robert sands say all Bahamians who are over 18, civilized and know how to behave “Should” be allowed to gamble in a casino and on the other hand, all Bahamian citizens who are either under 18 along with all Bahamians who chose to act uncivilized and unruly and who break the rules should not be allowed to play in the casino?

Where does robert sands say that concerned citizen?

robert sands stated the following:

“bahamians are not “disciplined” enough to be able to gamble in casinos locally”

“he is not an advocate of bahamians being allowed to gamble in casinos”

He also stated the following:

“persons who come on short term work permits”

“persons of high net worth who have permanent residency in the country and people with second homes”

“I do not support bahamians gambling in the casino.”

A 5 year old reading this can see that he is not stating some Bahamians, he is stating “bahamians” and guess what, if you are a Bahamian, then you too in the eyes of robert sands are not disciplined enough to play in a casino if you wanted too but yet, you are defending the comments of a persons who is directly insulting you, that is off course if you are indeed disciplined.

How can you not understand that concerned citizen.

What is more ridiculous is the fact that persons who come on short term work permits and permanent residents, supposed they were to fall in love with a Bahamian, (you included), what about that because that is reality since you are one who speaks reality.

SandsMarco says...

What a Shame.

SandsMarco says...

***And to you robert sands, your own boss Mr. Sarkis Izmirlian is requesting that Bahamians be allowed in the casinos, your own boss disagrees with your opinion, in fact his statements are on this very same website, shame.
Sarkis Izmirlian supports legal gambling for Bahamians
By candia dames ~ Guardian News Editor ~
Baha Mar Chairman and CEO Sarkis Izmirlian said he would welcome Bahamians gambling in the Crystal Palace Casino at Cable Beach and thinks the government would benefit substantially from a national lottery.
In an exclusive interview with The Nassau Guardian, Izmirlian said given the substantial revenue shortfall being experienced by the government, a national lottery could be the way to go.
"It happens everywhere in The Bahamas," he said, referring to gambling. "You might as well legalize it and let the government benefit from those tax revenues."
Asked whether he would welcome Bahamians gambling in his casino, Izmirlian said he already welcomes Bahamians everywhere on the properties at Cable Beach.
"One thing that we've done, not just in the design of Baha Mar, but in the hotels today, is we've tried to embrace the community," he said. "I feel that some of the other resorts have turned their backs a little bit on Bahamians and some didn't even use the word Bahamas in their advertising. We're different from that; not only did we embrace the design and culture, but we want Bahamians to come in our resort."
Izmirlian said there are very few jurisdictions that don't welcome locals in casinos.
He added that gaming in The Bahamas continues to be hurt by outdated laws that fail to make the jurisdiction competitive.
"Our gaming laws in The Bahamas are just not competitive versus other jurisdictions in the U.S. and other places in the world, and we really need urgently to address our gaming regulations here in The Bahamas," he said, adding that Baha Mar supports a list of recommendations the Bahamas Hotel Association presented to the government.
"It's a detailed list of recommendations which we believe should be implemented as soon as possible. We need to be competitive on the types of games we can offer [and] how quickly we can implement new games as they become available on the market. And we also need to realize that there are certain residents here, whether it's permanent residents or others, who should be allowed to gamble."
He pointed out that American entertainer Patti Labelle was unable to gamble in The Bahamas because she was on a work permit for a concert.
"These sorts of things are hurting us and there are many examples of this," Izmirlian said.
"I think if the government wants The Bahamas to be competitive [in gaming], they need to implement these changes. Today, it doesn't make sense that we can't compete with jurisdictions that are right on our doorstep. If we're going to have gaming then we should be competitive and that's what I hope that the government will implement."

SandsMarco says...

Stop demeaning the Bahamian people as a whole.

The next time you robert sands in addition to you positiveinput, Islanbatman, bri, concernedcitizen, proudloudandfnm travel to any other country and you try to rent a car, go to a restaurant, go to a shopping mall, or better yet, go to play in one of their “casinos” i want you to come back on this website, tell the truth and state how it you felt when the government of those countries (who also depend on tourism) you visit decided to “BAN YOU” from spending your hard earned money as adults in their establishments where other tourists and locals visit because the previous “bahamians” who on their own individual accord chose the road of being unruly, did not pay their bill or acted in a way that warranted them from being banned from coming back?

Tell us how it feels to be barred because of complete strangers who share your nationality and then hopefully you would understand how your comments are beyond belief?

You owe all of us an apology and to the rest of us Bahamians especially on this Independance Day 2012 who do not share the same state of mind as robert sands positiveinput, Islanbatman, bri, concernedcitizen, proudloudandfnm , again, Happy Independence to you.

SandsMarco says...

Part 2

You might as well ban Bahamians from the Casinos and while you are at it, ban Bahamians from associating anywhere a foreigner would associate, fire all of the Bahamians out of the hotel and casinos and hire foreigners and Ban Bahamians from the Hotel and casino grounds completely since you Robert sands positiveinput, Islanbatman, bri, concernedcitizen, proudloudandfnm all feel we are to stupid and uncivilized to pull a slot machine in a casino on the side of a tourist because you feel Stabbings and gun fights would become the norm in our casinos?

What is wrong with you people?

There are over 300,000 Bahamians in the Bahamas and many more living all around the world, how can you say that each and every one of us should be barred from playing in a casino in our own country because you don’t want us around the tourists?

You should be ashamed of yourselves and to you robert sands in addition to you positiveinput, Islanbatman, bri, concernedcitizen, proudloudandfnm, you owe all of us law abiding Bahamian citizens an apology.

What about the tourists, do the tourists have a problem with me and the other civilized Bahamians playing in the casino with them?

I can post the link of a Video on Youtube to prove that the tourist who were asked if they have an issue with Bahamians playing and even owning a casino have an issue with it, they said no.

Have you ever asked the tourist what their opinion is before making these comments?

The tourists are just as human as I am and every other Bahamian living in the Bahamas or abroad.

The tourists face the same issues in their countries and in some cases more issues that we face in the Bahamas?