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SandsMarco says...

I could not sit by and allow myself and my great Bahamian People be attacked!
Part 1

*Happy Independence to all of the real Bahamians, not the imposters, the real Proud Bahamians especially to you John Brown, Tal Russell, Jason Cooper456, Xmana, Former Expat.

What is so ridiculous is the fact that on this 2012 Independence Day, there are persons on spewing statements that are classic examples as to why Slavery against many (The Jews/Women/Children/Blacks/Asians/Indians) lasted so long, why the KKK and other organizations with the same message of demeaning an entire race/class/nationality as a whole that are still lingering by a thread today who as a whole have been so successful in the past rather than existing with a state of mind to judge a man or woman individually by the content of his or her character but guess what, those of you with that message will fail because the Bahamian people who clearly do not include you whom you clearly do not know are made up of the most hard working, loyal, dedicated law abiding citizens on this planet.

Crime and other forms “Unsavory Behavior” are not limited to any Nationality or the Bahamas.

I do not know who you imposters are claiming to know the entire Bahamian population of 300 plus thousand to say (especially robert sands) that being a Bahamian means that we are not “Disciplined” but let me tell you that I and many other Bahamians are contributing positively to this society and we are quite "Disciplined".

That fact that you feel that I as a Bahamian should not have the right to pull a slot machine or to sit at a table in a casino on the side of a foreigner (whom you clearly feel are more human than I am) because of other persons who happen to share the same nationality that I have choose on their own to act uncivilized is the greatest insult you can ever state to me and every other law abiding Bahamian and is completely ridiculous.

In the hotels with Casinos in the Bahamas, Bahamians eat at the restaurants, party at the night clubs, drink at the bars, occupy the hotel rooms, use the water facilities, why do you people have a problem with a Bahamian playing in the casino especially if they are occupying a room at the very same resort with a casino?