Comment history

ScubaSteve says...

Here's an easy and cheap solution... FREE contraception available for anyone that wants it. I'm talking about FREE condoms, free iuds, FREE birth control pills, and FREE morning after pill. And why not also throw in FREE abortions. There you go... problem solved.

ScubaSteve says...

Wait... now I'm confused. Is it really a crime to belong to a gang? On what grounds is that illegal? I'm truly interested in hearing an answer. Thanks!

ScubaSteve says...

This is his grand solution -- to pray????? Praying does nothing to stop the actual issue at hand. Hell... I pray everyday that I wished I still had hair on top of my head. Nope, nothing in 30+ years of praying. Still bald. What a freakin' FOOL our "leader" is. What a joke!!!

ScubaSteve says...

Spot on comment... agree 100%!!!!

ScubaSteve says...

Yes... 100% press charges!!!! This is a no-brainer. At a minimum, they should be held responsible to pay for any medical bills associated with the dog bite. Good Lord!!

On Dad may seek legal action after dog bites son

Posted 14 December 2023, 12:53 p.m. Suggest removal

ScubaSteve says...

Yes, they feed the sharks on their "shark dive," but they don't chum the water. Instead, it is literally one fish head or one fish part stuck on the end of a metal pole and they feed them one at a time in a very controlled manner.

On Stuart Cove: Chumming needs to be controlled

Posted 12 December 2023, 5:03 p.m. Suggest removal

ScubaSteve says...

Hey... they don't chum the water!!! I've been on their "shark dive" at least three times over the years and not once did they chum the water. Get your facts straight ya fool.

On Stuart Cove: Chumming needs to be controlled

Posted 12 December 2023, 5:01 p.m. Suggest removal

ScubaSteve says...

I'm glad to see that the Hotel & Tourism Assoc is going to look into more safety and to maintain certain standards. The ferry incident over near Blue Lagoon was much, much, much more alarming than the shark incident near Sandals. Being in control of a boat, monitoring the waves, wind, and weather, and being able to provide safety procedures during a boat accident are things that should be very common and fairly easy to master for a business/industry and just people in general. Naturally, on the other hand, being in control of sharks is an entirely different ballgame and nearly impossible.

ScubaSteve says...

Sharks are extremely vital to the Bahamas... especially from a tourism perspective. In my 30+ years of diving, I've been just about everywhere in the western hemisphere. After much thought and many years of travel, we decided years ago to purchase property and a house in the Bahamas -- primarily because of the incredible scuba diving and the sharks. Trust me, there were other locations we were more interested in buying; however, there weren't any sharks or just not enough to see them regularly. If you cull the shark population (which is absolutely insane and so backwards... it is almost laughable) in your area -- the effect would be significant and severely damaging to the marine environment for generations to come. And for what reason? Keep in mind, more people DIE from car accidents or lightning strikes or dog attacks each year than from sharks.

On Killing sharks is not the answer

Posted 7 December 2023, 10:30 a.m. Suggest removal

ScubaSteve says...

Ohhhhh please! Posting a sign won't help or prevent something like this from happening. Also, if a tourist "needs" a sign to let them know there might be sharks in the water... then they are freaking idiots. Anyone with at least a 5th grade education or higher should already know that sharks live in the ocean and are a perfectly normal part of the ocean. If there are folks out there that don't already know this fact -- well then that is Darwinism working at its finest. Time to thin the heard!!

On US ‘newlywed’ killed by shark

Posted 5 December 2023, 3:55 p.m. Suggest removal