Comment history

ScubaSteve says...

Simple solution... absolutely NO jet ski's allowed. Done... problem solved.

ScubaSteve says...

So 104 people voted on this question. I'm wondering... who in their God-given right mind would vote "no?" I would love to have a conversation with those 4 individuals. I'm wondering how many of the 4 are actually men?

ScubaSteve says...

Definitely doesn't sound like a "drowning." No adult is going to drown in "thigh high" water. Instead, this appears to be more of a heart issue or stroke or seizure. Nonetheless, still very sad and heartbreaking for his family. Vacations are supposed to be fun, relaxing, and creating lifelong memories.

ScubaSteve says...

I would still rather pay $6 for gas than have Trump in office. Hell, I'd be willing to pay $10 if that meant keeping him out of office. It's worth every penny!!

ScubaSteve says...

This article and information is a clear picture on the very, very sad state of the youth and young adults of the Bahamas. They are obviously unmotivated, lazy, and uneducated. Many of the jobs referenced in the article could easily provide for a decent living and allow you to have some financial stability in your life. Also, I am absolutely sick and tired of folks bashing the Haitians and Jamaicans that come here and work. Instead we should be fortunate and thankful they are here to work and help with our economy. This article clearly states that one of the main reasons these jobs are fulfilled with foreign workers is because the local Bahamans refuse to apply for these various jobs -- which is absolutely pathetic and embarrassing.

ScubaSteve says...

Damn. Poor guy!!

ScubaSteve says...

Okay, if the Church is against allowing abortions... then every Church needs to make condoms readily available and FREE to any and everyone. The easiest way to eliminate abortions is to make all types of birth control absolutely FREE and available to anyone, at anytime, no questions asked. Now, naturally, that wouldn't help in the case of a rape. But that is where the big benefit of the morning after pill can help. You have up until 72 hours after sex to take the morning after pill. All rape victims should have FREE and immediate access to the morning after pill.
If both of those strategies and options were available -- the instances or need of abortions would almost completely vanish. As a result, the Church would be happy and the general public would be happy. Problem solved. It's not freakin rocket science!!!!!

ScubaSteve says...

Mr. Curtis was 26 years old. The last time I checked... that makes him a grown ass adult. As a result, it is 110% HIS fault & responsibility that he was out till 3:00am at a Club and not safe & sound at home. It is 110% HIS fault that he made the personal decision to leave his house and go out. How incredibly pathetic that the Curtis family is blaming the police and/or his ankle bracelet.

ScubaSteve says...

Oooooooooh... that rainbow flag is so scary. Grow up and grow a pair of BALLS. I bet you are afraid if you stare at the flag long enough... you will turn QUEER. How about focusing on improving your education and IQ.

ScubaSteve says...

110% correct. That land is NOT part of the Bahamas control or responsibility.