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ScullyUFO says...

This is true, but the locations you mention do not depend on tourism as a staple of their economy. The Bahamas does. A hidden message in the actions of the U.S. Embassy is a statement of non-confidence in the local government to do anything about the high crime rate.

ScullyUFO says...

One thing it definitely means is that there will finally be a U.S. Ambassador to the Bahamas appointed. Of course it will be a person relevant to Republican and rich white man interests.

Another possibility is that U.S. Preclearance in the Bahamas may be withdrawn as part of Trump's isolationism under the guise of saving money (i.e. no need to pay all of those customs officers). That action could not possibly be beneficial to the Bahamas.

ScullyUFO says...

Well just wow. You need to travel more. I have been all around the world and the Bahamians are among the smartest and most sociable people in the world. I've interacted with Bahamian school children. They have intelligence, enthusiasm, energy and discipline. Don't sell Bahamians short. They are not represented by a few thugs. In my experience, Bahamians are motivated, learn fast, and could build the best automobile in the world if anyone wanted to build a plant on one of the islands.

ScullyUFO says...

Hey Tribune242, you need to update your file photos of BahamasAir aircraft.

The aircraft shown, C6-BGL, formerly owned by Pacific Western Airways and Canadian Airlines International, is over 36 years old and has been in "storage" since 2006.

ScullyUFO says...

Baloney. This is a sign that the Republican congress will obstruct the President of the United States on every front.

Cause of death was leukemia.

ScullyUFO says...

Mr. Seeit, the cannabis drug is quite dangerous. You can get arrested and thrown in the clinker with hardened criminals, who may decide to beat and rape you, for possessing it.

ScullyUFO says...

If the "gun" is an electronic one, what is the point of having shaped like a gun?

On New starter gun for BACO

Posted 6 February 2016, 1:21 p.m. Suggest removal

ScullyUFO says...

This just in. In general, "businessmen" will jump into bed with anybody if they think there's a chance they might screw somebody.

On Farkas-Kerzner in deal for Baha Mar

Posted 10 November 2015, 9:14 a.m. Suggest removal

ScullyUFO says...

A fitness club owner is trying to get the government to subsidize fitness?

I am shocked.

ScullyUFO says...

What many Bahamians are forgetting is that "possession is nine-tenths of the Law". If everyone else decides to go home, Nassau will still possess an almost complete massive resort. That represents a significant opportunity.