Comment history

SipPis says...

Who asked anyone to bow? I'm grateful. We need ten more of them to even stand a chance.

SipPis says...

Incredible. Disney takes 3 years to make the EIA to appease every last concern of these radicals. Then the radicals complain they should have more time to review it because it took 3 years. There's no negotiating with terrorists.

SipPis says...

Every single assertion in this poorly written diatribe is false.

SipPis says...

D'Aguilar has nothing to do with Davis' comments about improving tourism for the sake of the country. But both men are rightfully focused on increasing tourism, which again is only a positive for the people of the Bahamas. How does it put them last to get them vaccinated and employed and our economy humming? Getting tourists here is very much in our own self-interest. If they don't come here they'll go elsewhere, perhaps where people don't try to turn everything in to an unnecessary us vs them grievance.

SipPis says...

The tourist employs us in our land. As far as our economy is concerned, he is king. What could be more important than vaccinating Bahamians so they can stop fearing a virus and also feed their families? Was the president of Bahamar supposed to add the obvious point that the vaccine would also be good for us? He may as well explain that wearing your seat belt is good practice while he's at it.

SipPis says...

Why is that funny? How else will tourists come here sooner and help our tourism dependent econonmy? I guess we could wait until the rest of the world gets vaccinated while we keep going broke and read china virus theories online.

SipPis says...

Solution: Get the Vaccine here and roll it out. Roll it out even for tourists. We have a tiny population. Let it be an advantage for once. The only solution to any of this is vaccination of Bahamians and tourists alike. Until that happens we'll be running on fumes. May as well start an education campaign now for all the Bahamains who think they're experts because their Facebook page told them what's what. smh

SipPis says...

Never trust the Chinese!

SipPis says...

Now the radicals talkin to BNT. They supported it last week, stay tuned for next week's episode. We need real and reasonable environmentalists not clowns who blow in the wind while people go hungry. A few hundred acres developed and a 20,000 acre park doesn't get scratched..but it's still the devil. By that math only developing part of Paradise Island and never touching Nassau would still have been too much destruction.

SipPis says...
