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SipPis says...

Not usually here to defend BPL but 17000 people don't all live separately. Assuming an average of 4 to a household, you get to right around 4,000. Whether they've really got that many up and running properly is another question.

On Power restored for 4,000 in Abaco

Posted 11 December 2020, 11:25 a.m. Suggest removal

SipPis says...

This ain't brain surgery. We need the Moderna vaccine. NOT a Russian or Chinese vaccine.

On Wells: We’re in talks to buy vaccines

Posted 9 December 2020, 11:35 a.m. Suggest removal

SipPis says...

Terrible tragedy. May he RIP.

SipPis says...

These radicals should be held responsible. They lose the environmental case so they move on to finance where they understand nothing. They seem to think a developer should have a swimming pool with all the money ready sitting in it and drive a tractor around. This country would be nothing but bush and poverty if they had their way.

On Investment deal's anatomy exposed

Posted 4 December 2020, 4 p.m. Suggest removal

SipPis says...

Smartest thing this government can do is procure the vaccine as early as possible and ensure it will be administered efficiently. Next smartest thing it can do is make business and investment as easy as possible for people by getting itself out of the way.

SipPis says...

Country is going broke and this lady is talking about the cost to put a roof on her house? Is this a joke? At least make a credible argument. Who pays these people? Embarrassing.

SipPis says...

Environmentalists: "Things are bad now in the Bahamas so we shouldn't allow a forward looking project that would improve them." Great argument. That will put food on the table. Always have to wonder who's funding their hissy fits. Louder they scream the more they get paid?

SipPis says...

No surprise that it's taking forever. This cabinet has been more indecisive and delaying than previous PLP and FNM administrations combined. If Government got out of the way and allowed these people to operate here we would have cheap and efficient energy in no time. But because we have a bloated government trying to profit and a fearful half of the populace eager to blame the 'foreign devils' for whatever ills befall the country, nothing changes. What miracles could happen here in the quality of life for every Bahamian if we welcomed responsible foreign investment and reigned in government.

On New power plant deal 'weeks out'

Posted 20 October 2020, 1:08 p.m. Suggest removal

SipPis says...

Except: there's a shortage of labor in Abaco, it's two cases, the Mexicans are skilled at work no Bahamian can or wants to do, they represent 10% of the total work force at Baker's Bay, and they all tested negative upon entry to the country. Pesky facts aside, these are indeed difficult times.

SipPis says...

Except the Virus won't be with us for more than a year. This isn't our first pandemic. What happens when its gone and people want to say, I don't know, take an affordable cruise to the Bahamas? Perhaps it makes sense to plan for that day and build in the meantime? Just a thought.