Comment history

SipPis says...

The cruise industry isn't going anywhere. The current players have raised impressive capital, but even if they were to seek bankruptcy protection, the industry itself will survive. Smaller ships would be a net positive to the port development.

SipPis says...

The investment is what helps you in dire straits. The anti foreign sentiment is what hurts you. Notwithstanding the fact that one company is local, the other would most certainly create jobs and revenue for the Bahamas.

SipPis says...

Wow. Maybe they want to lose seats in parliament to even things out a little? I can't think of why else they would do something this crazy. Nobody will come. People don't seem to realize that covid is just the tip of the economic iceberg. Without tourists this country will suffer far more than with Covid. It's simple math.

SipPis says...

Please lord let's not begin this marxist history erasing craziness here. Bahamians are sensible, not radical.

SipPis says...

Nobody is talking about 'giving away the farm'. Making investment easier does not mean giving anything away. It still entails capital and risk, and it still employs Bahamians and contributes to the commonwealth. Making it inviting to do so here vs. Turks or Cayman (or anywhere else) is not giving away anything. On the contrary, it enriches our nation. The notion that investors are clamoring to come to our 'Disneyland' or would stay if we over taxed them is simply false. If only that were so.