Comment history

Space says...

Ha I don't think he is so much "whining" - as you say - about not meeting face to face as outlining the absurdity of:
"I'll only come and meet you if you say sorry and take it all back"
"Well no Mr Mitchell... that kind of defeats the purpose of the meeting..."
"Well FINE I'm not talking to you then"

On Mitchell: Activists defamed country

Posted 23 March 2015, 4:06 p.m. Suggest removal

Space says...

No the immigration policies they are attempting to introduce are not imperative, and are not even the most practical solutions to the immigration problem, as has been shown time and time again and conveniently ignored. Is anyone ever going to explain why the borders still aren't protected to the extent they should be? The Bahamas are basically trying to bail out a sinking ship with a teaspoon when it comes to Immigration instead of fixing the hole.
Also just purely out of curiosity, what are the suggested reasons or evidence that anyone 'dislikes Mitchell as a person'?

On Mitchell: Activists defamed country

Posted 23 March 2015, 3:40 p.m. Suggest removal

Space says...

Exactly what about that is unprofessional?

Space says...

and you are completely and entirely missing the point

Space says...

Does it not speak volumes that the Ministers first thought after the hearing, rather than answering the important questions posed to them by the IACHR, is to lauch in to an attack on the GBHRA?

On Mitchell: Activists defamed country

Posted 23 March 2015, 2:25 p.m. Suggest removal

Space says...

There's no law that you have to carry your papers! Who the hell has brain washed people into thinking this!?

Space says...

I don't pick and choose when I am disgusted by someones behaviour based on their race and I don't know why you would assume I do? or think that I am condoning that situation? Are we suggesting that two wrongs make a right?

I am basing this on many hundreds of views I have encountered on this website, in social media and in real life. These comments just serve as an example in this forum of the comments out there, and you don't seem to have a problem with them? I am by no means suggesting that this is the view of the nation. It certainly isn't my view, or the view of those close to me, you are putting words in to my mouth. I can't comprehend why more would not condemn comments such as the ones I quotes... you seem to be perfectly fine with them?

Regardless of whether they are here illegally or not it does not diminish their value as a human being in any way, or make it acceptable to treat them as such.

Moving on to the enforcement of the law which you've brought up....
If you pay attention the news you will have seen that these proposed new policies are not just affecting the lives of illegal migrants, but also the lives of those who live here legally, and full-fledged Bahamians. Do you think that's acceptable?
And as for the laws being enforced whether I like it or not... well, that seems to be the policy of Fred Mitchell in this matter, regardless of the worldwide outrage it has caused, so sadly you're probably right. I just hope a country which relies on tourism can recover from this overwhelming bad press.

Space says...

I rest my case. You and those like you, and the ones dragging the reputation of the Bahamas in to the dirt. You are a vile human being.

I'm actually going to save your last comment to share on several forums discussing this topic as an example of why the Bahamas is deteriorating in to a country which can't be trusted to deal with the rights of human beings in an acceptable manner.
"illegals are parasites that must be eradicated at all cost."

simply unbelievable

Space says...

"rid our country of all illegals especially the haitans as they add no value to whichever country they go" isn't racial stereotyping? or how about...
'Take Their Haitian Parasites With Her'

If that doesn't bring you the any shame as a Bahamian or even just as a human being I have to question your moral compass. It makes me shudder just to re-read it

Space says...

Even if they're wrong in what they're doing? So if Christie told you to jump off a cliff you would do it right?... because to stand against your countrymen is a sign of betrayal and treachery?... right?