I have no words to express how repulsed I am by the narrow minded opinions voiced on this particular thread of comments and others related to stories regarding immigration. Racial stereotyping is never ok, and as a country of strong black people you would think the Bahamas would be the first to condemn such things.
So ironic that you would make comparisons to Hitler and go on to blindly support the actions of Fred Mitchell as he goes on to persecute people because of their race.
Space says...
I have no words to express how repulsed I am by the narrow minded opinions voiced on this particular thread of comments and others related to stories regarding immigration.
Racial stereotyping is never ok, and as a country of strong black people you would think the Bahamas would be the first to condemn such things.
On Florida politician calls for Fred Mitchell to resign
Posted 19 December 2014, 6:55 p.m. Suggest removal
Space says...
So ironic that you would make comparisons to Hitler and go on to blindly support the actions of Fred Mitchell as he goes on to persecute people because of their race.
On Florida politician calls for Fred Mitchell to resign
Posted 19 December 2014, 6:50 p.m. Suggest removal