Comment history

Stameko says...

This chap is just trying to make money out of the EU Commission and other authorities. He makes his living advising on AEOI. It is not some sort of personal do good integrity crusade that drives him, it is all about getting hired and paid. Look at how proud he is on his website that he actually presented to the German Parliament. See… - he even gives you the time in the video when he comes on which is about as vain as you can get Madame Chairman even looks fed up with him.

Stameko says...

I have no doubt that if Izmirlian felt there was a local senior lawyer who "pays his dues" that was not conflicted and delivered a quality of legal advice (difficult to obtain around here) equivalent to the foreign lawyer he would like to use, then he would use a Bahamian lawyer. The Bahamas is becoming more and more of a closed shop, and this is one of the main reasons The Bahamas is sinking to new all time lows.

Stameko says...

He's upset that someone closed the lid of the cookie jar like a spoilt child that is told he can't have any more sweets

On Miller blasts govt over BPL

Posted 9 September 2016, 5:47 p.m. Suggest removal

Stameko says...

So Mr. Miller;

1. when are you going to pay BPL the $400k in past due bills that you and your companies owe ? (preferably not in numbers cash)
2. when are you going to repay the millions that you owe the likes of Bank of Bahamas
3. when are you going to repay BPL for all the profits you personally made from contracts that were awarded to family and friends such as your paint company
4. How many friends and family have you given jobs at BEC who know nothing about working in an electricity company?
5. Why would we, the Bahamian people trust you with our electricity company? You had a chance to fix it over many many years and it only deteriorated, and in fact BPL is in the state it is in now because of political interference over these many years by people like yourself. it is people like you that are holding the Bahamas back in the dark ages.
6. and as for your group that would save the day, were the people providing the equipment white and foreign? were the people financing it white and foreign? what was your cut in the deal?

To the Tribune - why is it that we have to read such complete and utter unadulterated rubbish spouted on a regular basis by individuals such as Mr. Miller?. Why can't we read some real news on your front page. Mr. Miller's comments are better suited to rags, tabloid newspapers of the very worst genre.

On Miller blasts govt over BPL

Posted 9 September 2016, 12:26 p.m. Suggest removal

Stameko says...

i think this being a possible reason for his murder is so far fetched one has to admire you for thinking out the box. Tragic situation, very sad

Stameko says...


Stameko says...

what an absolutely pathetic comment. what an earth has being foreign, Bahamian, white or Black got to do with this. it is a tragic situation and Realone comment merely demonstrates her/him to be one of those D grade graduates

Stameko says...

spot on....and as for the mother, it demonstrates how heavily ingrained this mentality is in The Bahamas...hence why we have a crime problem out of control

On Police called in as Gray relieved of post

Posted 26 March 2015, 6:04 p.m. Suggest removal

Stameko says...

Here's the way I see it:

1. if he has done this, this is a gross abuse of his powers, its illegal and he deserves to go down for it

2. Irrespective of whether others might have done this (which i expect both FNM and PLP have) is about time that someone is prosecuted for it - alleluljah!! - we complain about crime in this country but if politicians at the top are helping out their friends relatives sons...where does it end and what example does it set? it just contributes to the culture of The Bahamas that one can get away with it if you know somebody who knows somebody

3.Gray should step down not just from Cabinet but from his post as Minister of Agriculture, and also not attend Parliament until the case is dealt with

4. if he is proved innocent, then let him return.

On Police called in as Gray relieved of post

Posted 26 March 2015, 6:03 p.m. Suggest removal

Stameko says...

I have never read such c**p as general crazy is spouting - it is people like him/her that keep our beloved Bahamas in the dark ages. Dilly/Harry, it is not even worth starting a discussion with this person. Ignore this rubbish like the rest of us.