Comment history

Stameko says...

A number of these posts are looking for some sort of excuse for killing a father in cold blood in front of his, white, Bahamian, non is atrocious - the Bahamas is going down fast, titanic style. These murderers need to be brought to justice fast - how can they shoot someone in cold blood, leave them dying in front of their family, and then just continue looting. But it is more than this - a culture needs to change, family values need to change, leadership needs to set an example.

On Bound, robbed and shot dead

Posted 9 April 2014, 10:03 p.m. Suggest removal

Stameko says...

as for the BCPOU, they are not in this for the consumer or the Bahamian people, just themselves. it is this self serving attitude that sends them continuously in the wrong direction. They should now be thinking, hey, new operator equals more jobs for Bahamians in the telecom sector....and if it is true that Digicel does not have any unions, maybe this means their staff are happy not being unionized?

Stameko says...

while it will take some time before another operator is up and running, depending on the process run by the government, this is good news, as the whole reason for liberalization is to place the power in the hands of us the consumers. better pricing and better service should follow. I don't think btc/lime have done a bad job to be honest....anyone who travels knows there is no such thing as perfect cell service, including those most outspoken about it. in fact we mustn't forget that 2-3 years ago, data was at a snail pace and now exploded - everyone seems to have smartphones now. Gvt has reaped some nice dividends no doubt...but now we will see as competition arrives, that BTC is not a valuable as it is made out to be. and as for BEC vs BTC reliability of service.....well, say no more. all in all I think this will end well for the consumer, who will now have a choice andwill get more in their pocket as a result of the cheaper more reliable cell service

Stameko says...

Is Leon Williams the one who authorised the purchase of hundreds of flash cars at BTC - all those Ford Freestyles at $40 thousand a pop? What would have been wrong with a Daewoo?

On PM dismisses BTC appointee 'conflict'

Posted 29 March 2013, 6:29 p.m. Suggest removal

Stameko says...

He is the comparison of offers for BTC - not straightforward…

On PM dismisses BTC appointee 'conflict'

Posted 29 March 2013, 6:26 p.m. Suggest removal

Stameko says...

I for one hope they do get both the Bluewater negotiators and the CWC negotiators out there. Lets have them talk about both. After all most of the new BTC committee were also the Bluewater committee. It will be fun to watch!

As an aside I thought they published the comparison of the various offers for BTC over time.

On PM dismisses BTC appointee 'conflict'

Posted 29 March 2013, 6:05 p.m. Suggest removal

Stameko says...

It may be partially explained by the fact that it appears the Minister has sent virtually his entire career in Government and politics where mediocrity and lack of training is rife and has never run a business in his life.

Stameko says...

No company, Bahamian or foreign would tolerate the behavior of this woman and the blatant conflict of interest in her position

On DEVELOPING: Unions overrun BTC in protest

Posted 3 November 2012, 12:34 p.m. Suggest removal

Stameko says...

The Union, if anything, should be embarassed by this woman - I am all for Bahamians first, but let's show this particular one the door - she is not the sort we want outsiders to associate with true Bahamians

On BTC clarifies reasons for terminating manager

Posted 3 November 2012, 12:26 p.m. Suggest removal

Stameko says...

A question to all....would you hire this woman?.....I think not.

On BTC clarifies reasons for terminating manager

Posted 3 November 2012, 7:59 a.m. Suggest removal