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Stapedius says...

Another challenge in an antiquated and decrepit government service. There is far too much red tape and hoops to jump through with anything having to do with government services in our country. It is so wrong to do this kind of thing to people. Then you wonder why so many employees are disgruntled. The minister shouldn't even have to address this. The Health PS should really have been pushing the issue and standing up for the nurses.

On Sands steps in on nurses owed $1m

Posted 19 August 2017, 3:25 p.m. Suggest removal

Stapedius says...

Ah come on man. We have so many capable people in private sector who are qualified and can do the job. @thisisours you are correct this is the wrong way to go about these appointments. Just don't appoint people for the sake of doing it or to please the party. We in serious times and we still behaving like everything is peachy. If you're cutting the budget start with these paid boards.

On Boards blunder naming two deceased

Posted 28 July 2017, 7:23 p.m. Suggest removal

Stapedius says...

That's true @ Economist. The challenge is getting people to come forward. People are rightfully afraid though. The reprisal and vindictive nature of politicians and political operatives have harmed many people. So I can see why people wouldn't want to come forward.

On ‘No one above the law’

Posted 21 July 2017, 8:11 p.m. Suggest removal

Stapedius says...

The police have a duty to investigate, but their investigations look one sided. If you go after one then everybody should be fair game. We have cases and accusations from the previous FNM administration and the PLP administration prior to that . Why are some swept under the rug and not others? Plenty former PLPs and FNMs sitting up as if their hands are clean. If the accused did what is alleged by all means they should answer for their acts. But the corruption in our country spreads far, wide and deep.

On ‘No one above the law’

Posted 21 July 2017, 3:38 p.m. Suggest removal

Stapedius says...

Too much corruption in the country in general. We have deep rooted corruption within our civil service, police and defense forces. This is a systemic problem that begins from the top. When the lady behind the desk in a government office is asking for $50 tip to fast track your documents or license etc we don't view this as corruption but that is exactly what it is. He or she pockets that money and the processing of government services gets clogged up simply because someone decided that they will create a lil side business of government services. Now I'm all for speedy, efficient government services that should have a premium surcharge. However, the money needs to come to the government, not the worker who thinks he's entitled to it. Or how about seeing police patrolling stop to a party and grab a few beers and a plate of food. These are the kind of things we live with daily. Too many of us feel entitled to certain benefits and privileges.

Stapedius says...

The blame game is not helpful here. This situation started years ago and has now gotten to a breaking point. It doesn't matter they all spent far too much money, Pindling era straight down. Some simple facts: the civil service/government agencies are too large and too inefficient, our government wastes money on rented buildings and have no maintenance plans on existing properties so we spend money over and over on repairs eg (Health building on Meeting St, Tourism buildings downtown, Clarence Bain Building and so on), we are not a saving people.

Stapedius says...

So true. The trouble with our politicians is that they answer questions without any research, causing them to always have foot in mouth syndrome. We fail to realize that most of the corruption is within these ministries. We simply have too many dishonest people in these ministries. It has nothing to do with party. The same thieves that were there before May 10th are still there. They sit on these government jobs and rob the Bahamian people year after year. I don't care which party you vote for we all must agree that too much stealing in these departments. Then when they get let go without criminal charges I might add they holla victimization . Victim of what? Ya A#$ should've gone to jail.

On Fyre Festival vendors to lose out

Posted 6 July 2017, 12:46 p.m. Suggest removal

Stapedius says...

Tal cut the bull with the politics. Crime goes way beyond the petty politics when we see our youth being cut down daily. We have simply become a disrespectful, undisciplined people and we see that played out in our streets on daily basis. I see people running the red lights and cutting other drivers off with no care in the world. We park anywhere and get upset when asked to move etc. We have become an angry people for some reason. Little crimes lead to big crimes and until we get a grip of the little problems which many don't think matter we will continue to have murders.

On Three killed over holiday weekend

Posted 7 June 2017, 1:08 p.m. Suggest removal

Stapedius says...

Let us give them a chance. We are all Bahamian. The PLP gives the perception that they have some monopoly on ideas or intelligence. The country must move forward and I am happy that we have a democracy which exercises its power to do just that. You can't keep towing party line and people are suffering, losing their homes, struggling with basic utilities and finding it hard to provide for their families.

Stapedius says...

What kind of bull$&!t this is? The people in that department need a whipping. I don't care if it's plp or fnm in power this should not happen. And we consider ourselves developed. This is shameful period.