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Stapedius says...

WTF is the end game here? The government is haemorrhaging money and taxing us like crazy and spending money on carnival. Explain to me the thinking here? So Bahamians are losing their homes, struggling to keep the lights on and kids in school and the government a$s!n around? The political elite in this country need a kicking.

Stapedius says...

She seems to do that. These non-existent discussions like the one she had with Bran. Loretta needs to fade away into the smoke. I think she started out with good intentions but she has spiraled out of control. Her credibility has been tainted. Appointment of Moncur etc. Need I say more?

Stapedius says...

Whatever happens this election I pray our country can move forward. We are too stagnant and slow to progress. The PLP has frustrated the country with its lack of action. This is what happens when you have an indecisive, lazy PM. He didn't even make the effort to shuffle his cabinet. Just comfortable with the status quo. So now we can only hope for meaningful change and governance . Whoever has the privilege of serving our country as government I would hope fights for us and makes some big bold moves to advance this country.

Stapedius says...

This is upsetting and quite frankly disgusting. No issue with the insurance company having it's policy. But why put the child and her family on this roller coaster? They spent money to travel and plan and in the end the insurance company skirts away with no penalty. I'm no fan of NHI, because I believe that government should not be in business. The government serves a regulatory function. Something which seems to be lost on our moronic politicians. Clico, Colina and the rest get away with too much nonsense and there is no recourse or compensation.

Stapedius says...

Same goes for all these political S#!t heads fnm, plp dna and these fringe groups. Social media will be watching you since y'all seem to have no to respect for the Bahamian people. The official media leaning all over the place so it's time for people to take it to the streets and expose the nonsense that's been going on. Perry needs to go, Minnis need to go sit down. A band of dead people with lousy ideas.

Stapedius says...

Another piece of $h!?. He didn't forget he never intended to pay. It's funny how everyone is concerned about privacy when it concerns them. The amount of scum spread in the media and social media is appalling and people suck it up. No complaints if someone else's loved one is sprawled out dead on the street or private sexual moments illegally posted on social media. All respect and decency goes out the window then. As far as I'm concerned if you present yourself for public office you are fair game. Be warned and clean ya dirt up before trying to represent people.

Stapedius says...

Rollins always has this fire and brimstone which in the end amounts to be just a whole lot of noise. There's a time for noise and a time to be calculated in one's approach. He never seems to make use of the latter. We have enough crude noise makers in Bahamian politics. Where are the intellectuals in that place called Parliament? Rollins has a credibility problem. He bounced from party to party and now the music is slowing down. Soon time to exit stage right... curtains. This will be the case for many PLPs too.

Stapedius says...

We are a day late and a dollar short. The government is never ahead of the game. A shabby city, with no tours and no entertainment. What do we expect?

Stapedius says...

They got what they went looking for. Trouble. Sad that one of them had to die. But they need to learn to stop stealing and terrorizing innocent citizens.

Stapedius says...

I just wonder if HAI was giving any advice to those morons long ago. Say what you like about him he held that party together.

On Ingraham: FNMs unite or face loss to the PLP

Posted 2 February 2017, 6:06 p.m. Suggest removal