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TheObjectiveVoice says...

I wonder how many politicians went to pay their real property taxes today, for the fear of their lack of payment being unearthed in this way. Are we to believe that she is the only one? This is clearly political fodder and honestly, I am tired of the back and forth. Leave this 81-year-old woman in peace. Tell the people send the bill - she has about four or five children... They will take care of her business... How many Bahamians do you know who pays their bills on time? Call the banks and they will tell you the truth. Leave this lady alone, please and let her have her dignity in her twilight years...


Posted 19 June 2014, 5:17 p.m. Suggest removal

TheObjectiveVoice says...

Rousing round of applause for you today.

TheObjectiveVoice says...

Why are our young men so brainless.... If you get catch with the gun, just give up the gun. Go to jail for a couple year...but want to shoot at the police. Now you're probably going up for attempted murder plus the possession of the gun; and I mean attempted murder of every officer you were shooting at and not just the one you hit. People executing mindless behaviour need to not see the light of day again. That was just dumb and stupid.


Posted 9 June 2014, 6:34 p.m. Suggest removal

TheObjectiveVoice says...

I hope that travellers can now sit inside the airport to wait for their flights than outside like they use to. That was ridiculous...

TheObjectiveVoice says...

Thank Goddd! They have something constructive to do that could make for a quite lucrative business. The work looks fantastic... and they should be proud.

On Prisoners to make tourist souvenirs

Posted 27 May 2014, 5:02 p.m. Suggest removal

TheObjectiveVoice says...

Hmmmm let's see if they remember good old Cassius Stuart this lap. After all, the man did dissvolve his whole party to join the FMN - a party that he led for ten years. It's the least they could do to show that the FNM appreciated his sacrifice. I think the FNM needs to make a decision using their conscience right about now and figure out why none of the people they picked over Cassius is working out. They were never suppose to be there in the first place. Just sayin'... Put Cassius in the Senate and you'll have a real live mouthpiece who will aggressively push the party's agenda. Just some good advice...


Posted 21 May 2014, 6:08 p.m. Suggest removal

TheObjectiveVoice says...

People about the place being BAD and unfaithful... gross and disgusting. If you're monogamous, this would not happen...along with all the other STDs including AIDS.

TheObjectiveVoice says...

All I know is if that was my 17 year old daughter, he was gonna get chappppp....not be under arresttt. He have his good sense to know what he want done to his things, and to sneak up on someone to get it...he was gonna get chap... He's lucky that girl's family is not a part of the mafia or something. He was gonna get hissss... Sandilands is too good for him. He had his good sense to take off his ankle bracelet. Sexual deviants of any kind of mental state should be locked up for life. How could a sex offender get bail of any kind? That is ridiculousss! lock them up and throw away the key.

On U.S. girl victim of sex attack

Posted 23 April 2014, 10:02 p.m. Suggest removal

TheObjectiveVoice says...

Wowow, that armed robber didn't see that coming. Congratulations to the cop!!! I hope the robber pulls through so he can do some serious time in Fox Hill prison. That could have been anyone and I am so thankful that God preserved the cop's life and he was able to protect himself and his friend. It could have gone either way. I have no sympathy for the robber who got mad because he didn't get enough money from PEOPLE who WORKED for it... and then decided to shoot. Anyway, get well soon robber because your day in court is coming.

On Immigration officer 'drove getaway car'

Posted 17 April 2014, 4:04 p.m. Suggest removal

TheObjectiveVoice says...
