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TheObjectiveVoice says...

May she rest in peace

On Murdered woman named

Posted 17 April 2014, 3:56 p.m. Suggest removal

TheObjectiveVoice says...

God as my witness, something like this happened to me as a child. Went on the beach with my Dad and baby sister and this guy came out of nowhere talking to us - befriending us...asking us to show us how we swim. We were seven and five. That man touched me as I was pretending to swim. I know what fingers feel like. In this story, the parents had every right to express their concern about a stranger out of nowhere addressing their son in the water. It happened to me and I was too scared to tell my Dad what happened. I just told him I was feeling so sick and needed to go home now now now... We have to make "wise" choices. If it were my child, I would have called the cops too.

TheObjectiveVoice says...

This is the stupidest thing I have ever read... I think this is worse than the fella who got killed for stealing guinep of the tree. Why are you going to argue over a plate of food a children's party. Number one, it's a children's party. You shouldn't have been there in the first place. This is insane...

On Stabbed to death for a plate of food

Posted 7 April 2014, 4:33 p.m. Suggest removal

TheObjectiveVoice says...

If she was a student at Queen's College, I would expect her to have more sense than that. She was expelled from school, her travel visa revoked and now that will go on her record wherever she goes. I hope her parents teach her a good, good lesson for doing something so dumb and stupid. The U.S. aint playing with nobody. They can't take the slightest threat lightly at all and neither can we. I hope she wasn't in her final year of school because she probably just blew it for herself.

TheObjectiveVoice says...

All I have to say is AMEN. That's all. Just Amen.

On Two arrests after attack on BEC staff

Posted 30 March 2014, 4:57 p.m. Suggest removal

TheObjectiveVoice says...


TheObjectiveVoice says...

I mean... this was stupid. I was running around frantically trying to get my children out of school and from the sitter to be with me. This test was dumb and stupid and inhumane. I had my mother texting me from another island, scareddd....

TheObjectiveVoice says...


On Bahamians given asylum in Canada

Posted 25 March 2014, 4:58 p.m. Suggest removal

TheObjectiveVoice says...

I'm optimistic about Grand Bahama. I am soo glad to see so many people working again. All of this negative talk is not impacting what is actually happening there. People are getting back to work and things are already getting better. So instead of finding something to gripe about, just pray for your fellow brothers on GB and that the economy would finally become somewhat stabilized. It is poised to become the booming capital... we will see. We will see.

On Memories resort to officially open

Posted 24 March 2014, 5:08 p.m. Suggest removal

TheObjectiveVoice says...

I want someone to pinpoint one incident of brutality against gays in The Bahamas and discrimination. Homosexuals are extremely freeeee here. They are just not free to marry. But they are in positions in politics, in church, in businesses, and any time anyone has a major event that they want to be a success, they call on them because hey, they're just gooood at that stuff. They are making their money. Tell those folks don't lie on The Bahamas please. They just can't get married here. They are directing church choirs, preaching in church, representing people in the House and living it up..having their pageants and fashion shows for transgenders. They are too free. Jamaicans don't playyyy but over here, they are everywhere and no-one is bothering them. So please don't lie on my country because you can't get married here... That's about it. Marriage is an institution ordained by God between a man and a woman. He abhorred any other way of appeasing your sexual appetite. They are trying to get asylum from God's way not because of something this country did. Devil, you are still a liar and deceiver.

On Bahamians given asylum in Canada

Posted 24 March 2014, 4:47 p.m. Suggest removal